10-28-2016, 03:26 PM
ok merci pour les infos, il est vrai qu"il ne chauffe pas beaucoup, j' ai mis une sonde de temperature dessus et c'est normal rien a voir avec un raspberry hi...
du coup je viens de commander un deuxieme, (la derniere version android qui viens de sortir tourne vraiment bien y compris KODI mon utilisation de ce pine64 est pour mon hobby ....radioamateur...encore merci de m'avoir lu
ok thank you for the info, it is true that "it does not heat a lot, I have put a temperature sensor on it and it's normal nothing to do with a raspberry hi ...
suddenly I just ordered a second, (the latest android version that just got out really run well including my kodi pine64 use of this is for my hobby .... amateur ... again thank you for reading
du coup je viens de commander un deuxieme, (la derniere version android qui viens de sortir tourne vraiment bien y compris KODI mon utilisation de ce pine64 est pour mon hobby ....radioamateur...encore merci de m'avoir lu
ok thank you for the info, it is true that "it does not heat a lot, I have put a temperature sensor on it and it's normal nothing to do with a raspberry hi ...
suddenly I just ordered a second, (the latest android version that just got out really run well including my kodi pine64 use of this is for my hobby .... amateur ... again thank you for reading