You can just set up smb or use the OMV img that was once posted here and just set up everything you want / need from the browser.
If all you want is connect an external HDD (remember to use a powered hub!) and not fiddle with anything, then just download any base img, ssh into the pine64, and follow these instructions (they are for the pi but will work just the same on the pine):
Just adjust the parameters for ubuntu or debian ! .... so if you go with debian: smbpasswd -a debian
and in path: path=/home/debian
If all you want is connect an external HDD (remember to use a powered hub!) and not fiddle with anything, then just download any base img, ssh into the pine64, and follow these instructions (they are for the pi but will work just the same on the pine):
Just adjust the parameters for ubuntu or debian ! .... so if you go with debian: smbpasswd -a debian
and in path: path=/home/debian