09-07-2016, 04:44 AM
(09-07-2016, 04:11 AM)KiloByte Wrote: Apparently every cable uses different colouring, so you need to read the manufacturer's webpage to learn yours (no, they didn't include the colors on the piece of paper that came with my cable).
Typically, just for clarification, most serial ttl bridge cables ( both cp2102 and pl2303 based ) will use standard colors for vcc (red), Tx (green), Rx (white), and Ground (black); however, sometimes this is not the case, and specifically many of the cp2102 modules will not have cables at all ! Instead, you must read the pinouts of your module. Also, its good practice to read the pinouts of everymodule (regardless of cable color) and also to measure the voltage level of the Tx pin (cable wire), before plugging it into a 3v3 system only to find that the cable is using 5v logic and your board is not toast.
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