Kinda upset at the lack of response to GBe issues
(09-01-2016, 05:28 PM)MarkHaysHarris777 Wrote:
(09-01-2016, 12:35 PM)amc2012 Wrote: I wish, since we know this is a PINE hardware issue now, that they would just acknowledge this and send us new boards. I bought into this project (VERY early on, as I have noted before) BECAUSE of the GbE. Were it not for that, I would have stuck with my RaspberryPi, which did Fast Ethernet just fine.

hi,  I am just wondering, what is your use case?

... in practical application I have yet to see my board (on fast ethernet  100 /full) operate at speeds even close to 100mb/s;  even to memory tmpfs.  All of the other components on the board really make having a GbE port kinda useless; in fact, its just silly actually-- its like putting a super-charger on a model-T Ford.

I am very curious ( now that I am 99% sure this is strictly a hardware issue on these boards ) just what it is [ bad chip, missing cap, improper resistor, cold solder joint, &c] it really doesn't matter. The one board that does not do GbE is plugged into my GbE switch with a four wire cable clicking along in practical terms at something less than 100mb/s and life goes on. 

My question for all GbE customers out there ( just morose curiosity ) what is your use case where GbE is going to buy you realization that you don't already have with 100mb/s ?

First of all ITS DOESN'T ACTUALY MATTER ..... it should just work as advertised, djeez
....if you agree its broken stop discussing...

And then the killer answer you've somehow been begging for for weeks ... NFS ..... in fact NFS will give you blazing speeds over GbE on my odroid.
Its faster than eMMC/SD/USB storage, my NAS has an SSD especially for all my embedded devices and their NFS shares.
Most of them just get their entire root partition over NFS, so yes GbE is quite usefull (8-9 MBps vs +/- 100 MBps)
Hope that satisfies your question

Messages In This Thread
RE: Kinda upset at the lack of response to GBe issues - by waldo - 09-01-2016, 05:36 PM

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