Acceleration of Gravity Tilt Module for Arduino
i bought two of those adxl345's from ebay

i plugged into the i2c-1 connection on the pi bus, pins 3 and 5
it does work under linux (on both my pine64 and my CHIP)
i made this script read it:

it also works on arduino (used code from

sadly, it does not seem to do anything under android, either in the hdmi image or the lcd image.
maybe it has to be connected to different pins or something. i notice in the code above it says TWI but i had it connected to I2C.
i did try to connect to 27/28 but that did nothing.

using i2cdetect nothing shows up for 0x1d, just 0x53...

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RE: Acceleration of Gravity Tilt Module for Arduino - by jodybrown99 - 08-06-2016, 10:34 PM

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