(08-04-2016, 03:04 PM)dkryder Wrote: what needs to stop is deleting posts , done by some moderators , made by members/consumers who are expressing their opinion about issues that are happening. companies that sell product in the u.s. are bound by federal law which protects consumers. one of those laws is notification to the consumer of requirements. for instance, if a piece of hardware is being sold that requires specific software that is not available from the seller, notice needs to be made. so, like when a certain moderator made warning against certain software, the same type warning or notice should be made about the specific hardware needing certain software by the seller. people who do not live in the u.s. probably are not aware of the consumer protection act which is federal law in the u.s. . it probably is also a violation for agents to delete notice given by consumers to other consumers. but consumers of products such as the camera who are aware of limitations of the products have, in the united states, a right to notify other potential consumers that software needed to operate the camera is not available from the seller. so i'd like to ask any moderators who are deleting posts by members/consumers of product being made to other member/potential consumer of product to just stop. these particular posts are made by a u.s. citizen who is buying a product in the u.s. and is covered by the consumer protection act and all other consumer laws. thank you.
In the United Kingdom, the Consumer Protection Act of 1987 is more about liability of persons for damage caused by defective products, pertaining to said product's safety, rather than the function or lack thereof of the product in question.
I did try and find the Consumer Protection Act as it pertains to the USA, but did not have much luck, though I did find a lot of info about consumer rights, both in the US and here in the UK.
But like I said, here in the UK, the meaning and purpose of the Consumer Protection Act specifically relates to product safety, not product function.