07-13-2016, 03:11 AM
(07-12-2016, 11:07 PM)gwenhael Wrote:what i did was format a new 16GB SD card. then i put that card into a usb sd card device and plugged it into a powered hub. the script was on that new SD card. I changed directory and ran script from usb drive. i read script but did not study it extensively i just figured it would create slackware SD card. the script downloaded a couple files and appeared to be working however the slackware card was not setup right and the debian o/s which was my useable sd card now stops booting @ 16 or so sec mark last log entry about hdmi issue of some sort. the o/s appears to be as it should as best i can tell. i've kept it for research to see if the problem is able to be fixed.(07-12-2016, 07:04 PM)dkryder Wrote: unfortunately i made the mistake of running this script on my daily debian mate build. that build now locks up at 12secs into boot. so, i'd say that it is risky to run on this script. everyday build that one uses. i'm open to any ideas to try to salvage that build.
You ran it on the pine64 directly? /dev/mmcblk0 was your root disk?
If so I'm afraid you have to reinstall your microSD from scratch
Added some a safety check and a chance to quit.