(01-25-2016, 01:42 PM)timmyiscool8 Wrote: Wait, I havent pleged, because the kickstarter pledging is closed. Where is backerkit. I didnt really want to pay extra for other stuff. So how do I get it with android. I dont know where this backerkit thing is!

I really just want something that can come with an easy to install android. I knew setup would be envolved. But do you think rasberry pie or Chip would be better for me. I dont want to really pay extra. Sad

Backerkit is for kickstarter backers to upgrade and add accessories to their existing pledges. If you didn't back the kickstarter but still wanted a unit, you will have to wait for the Pine A64 shop to go live, which it hasn't yet. They are focusing initially on getting kickstarter orders out first before taking on new orders, I think.

Anyway, Pine64 shop is here:


When the shop is open properly, you will be able to get pre-loaded micro sd cards with Android already installed, so all you would have to do is put in the card and plug in the power and you'd be good to go (Oh yeah, and connect a mouse and keyboard, or touchscreen).

Messages In This Thread
OS INSTALL? - by timmyiscool8 - 01-25-2016, 11:21 AM
RE: OS INSTALL? - by JulianM - 01-25-2016, 01:39 PM
RE: OS INSTALL? - by taros - 01-25-2016, 01:40 PM
RE: OS INSTALL? - by timmyiscool8 - 01-25-2016, 01:42 PM
RE: OS INSTALL? - by Ghost - 01-25-2016, 01:49 PM
RE: OS INSTALL? - by timmyiscool8 - 01-25-2016, 05:42 PM
RE: OS INSTALL? - by Ghost - 01-25-2016, 05:54 PM
RE: OS INSTALL? - by timmyiscool8 - 01-25-2016, 06:06 PM
RE: OS INSTALL? - by frodo_loves_metal - 01-28-2016, 04:20 PM

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