Maskrom: How to tell what's on the SD card?
(03-18-2024, 09:14 PM)zogkarndon Wrote: I managed to corrupt my EMMC, and am trying to boot from SD.

I've flashed an image onto a 16 GB SD card.

I've set up the debug adapter, and positioned the switch to the left (labeled Maskrom/SD).

However, when I boot, the serial console always shows that it's trying to boot from MMC.

If I interrupt the boot process, I end up at the maskrom console.

How can I check the status of the SD card from the maskrom console?   

Alternatively, how can I force booting from the SD card (from the maskrom console)?
The is a switch on the PineTab2 UART dongle to disable SPI/EMMc boot and skip to SD Boot.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Maskrom: How to tell what's on the SD card? - by tllim - 03-18-2024, 11:27 PM

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