12-21-2023, 12:18 PM
(12-20-2023, 01:04 PM)diederik Wrote: The PT-V (4GB) would cost me $160 + $39 shipping + 21% VAT ($42) + some import fees, but surely not €100, so it seems your place/country of residence is a major obstacle here.
I don't know if they ever switch to 'retail prices' though ...
There are several things that worry and/or bug me (too) and lack of transparency is one of them ...
yeah the 100e includes VAT at 21%, customs fees, customs processing fees, VAT on customs fees etc etc. The shipping drops to 39$ if I select a bigger city, but still makes the A8 look cheap.
Regarding 'retail prices', also seems misleading then, and why mislead the community you are hoping will do the development.
Another strange thing is the BES driver thing, how come the community didnt specify a Wifi chip that already has open source drivers in linux kernal? It seems at least they had enough input to keep the SPI functionality, although that also seems a bit ambiguously worded.
Anyway the whole setup feels confusing at this point. As a developer I expected some kind of road map to retail rollout, and estimated production runs. For all I know I am developing software for 42 PP users worldwide Thanks for listening. /rant