12-08-2023, 01:01 PM
(12-08-2023, 08:03 AM)michalis Wrote: Hello, I'm playing with my new PineTab2. The question below is for DanctNIX, the default OS as shipped.
I wanted to play a DRM content (Netflix), the FAQ on https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/PineTab2_FA...as_Netflix? seems promising and points to "yay -S widevine-aarch64".
But the "widevine-aarch64" seems to be not available anymore, yay answers "No AUR package for found for widevine-aarch64". It is also not listed when I search for widevine in AUR, https://aur.archlinux.org/packages?O=0&S...&submit=Go . Note that there is "widevine-armv7h" (for 32-bit ARM).
Searching, I found https://github.com/AsahiLinux/widevine-installer . But the README says clearly "Using Widevine requires glibc version 2.36 or later. Arch Linux ARM ships an ancient glibc version, and will not work at this time.". I see the AUR repos contain https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/glibc-widevine , I'm building it now (takes 20h to build already ). But I'm not even sure is this a good direction -- that is, should I install glibc-widevine from AUR and then hope for https://github.com/AsahiLinux/widevine-installer to work, or this is a doomed approach? I realize that upgrading GLIBC on my system is risky -- I'm ready for it (I can just reinstall the system), unless it is just known to not lead me toward the goal (Netflix on PineTab2).
The summary of my question is: Is there a way to play DRM content (Netflix) on PineTab2 now? If yes, how?
This is my old message but it might still work:
I assume that this solution should work (it did work with Pinephone and Pinephone Pro)
No warranty but as said this did with PP and PPP xD
OS Manjaro (most likely this will work also on Arch - no idea about other OS's)
1. Remove glibc
2.glibc-widevine needs to be installed manually so:
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/glibc-widevine.git
cd glibc-widevine
ls (and look something like glibc-wideinve-2.35-5.2-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst)
sudo pacman -U glibc-wideinve-2.35-5.2-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst
3. Install widevine-aarch64 from aur
4. git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/widevine-aarch64
cd widevine-aarch64
Not sure is this the best solution but as said I have working widevine