Fractal/Matrix MMS workaround
(09-28-2023, 05:24 AM)Noob Of All Trades Wrote: I deleted Chatty. No luck. I still can't login to Fractal. Just for clarity: the Fractal login is the same as the Matrix login, right? And the "identity Server" is Fractal's "service provider"?

Just to provide more data on my situation.

My phone will get clogged with messages that don’t show up on Chatty. Then it stops receiving SMS.

I run these commands in Terminal ( called Console on my phone):
$ mmcli -m any --messaging-list-sms

the phone responds with something like this:

Found 10 SMS messages:
/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SMS/0 (received)

But it will say that 10 times for 10 messages with the last digit counting up.

Then I run:

$ mmcli -m any --messaging-delete-sms=0

and repeat that, changing the last digit to match all the messages the phone listed. After that all my SMS that hadn’t come through before show up on Chatty-- even showing the correct time when the SMS was sent. I think I even raised my reception from 2G to 4G. I presume those stuck messages are the MMS. And that makes me think the phone is receiving them, but Chatty can’t process them. Obviously I could be wrong. I got the Terminal commands from this article (

What firmware do you have on the modem? I ask because once I loaded Biktorgj firmware, I stopped getting stuck messages. 

There is the Biktorgj firmware AND the ADSP firmware. You need both. You also need to use the correct ADSP firmware for T-Mobile (ADSP Version

Videos for reference:
PinePhone OR PinePhone Pro (4of5) - Phosh - Setup - Biktorgj - osmin - brave
00:00 Intro
00:10 Log into phone
00:28 install gnome-firmware
01:00 run gnome-firmware
01:00 run gnome-firmware
03:20 Fail, Run again
04:20 Downgrade again
05:55 Biktorgj is loaded
06:30 verify the ADSP version

Loading the ASDP firmware

Device: PinePhone 32Gig (Used for building packages)
Device: PinePhonePro (Daily driver)
OS: DanctNIX Arch with Phosh
Carrier: USA - Patriot Mobile (T-Mobile SIM)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fractal/Matrix MMS workaround - by mikehenson - 09-28-2023, 07:17 AM

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