08-27-2023, 10:02 PM
(08-22-2023, 01:27 PM)fxc Wrote: Regarding your above question: Tow-Boot is stored on a separate chip called the SPI flash memory on the PinePhone Pro. So no, overwriting the eMMC flash memory does not touch Tow-Boot.
Regarding your question with the image files: You can imagine images like a full copy of a disk, including all the partitions and the partition table. So the disk image file is written to the full disk.
I have trouble following you with the rest of the question, some of them are super obscure. For example you mention a file which has 6 images (?) and you don't even mention any of the commands you used for flashing or how the files are even called. At this point it is getting very difficult or even impossible to help you as I have no idea what you are doing.
My last option is to give you an instruction step by step and you have to write every command exactly as written. Do not write the commands by hand, please copy and paste every command without changing any of the contents:
- Please boot the phone while holding the volume up button
- Use the command "lsblk" and check if the disk sde and the partitions sde1 and sde2 appear:
- It should output something like the following. Make sure that "sde" is the eMMC device with the 115.2G memory (it should display "115.2G 0 disk"):
Quote:sde 8:64 1 115.2G 0 disk
├─sde1 8:65 1 12M 0 part
└─sde2 8:66 1 22M 0 part- Change directory to your "Downloads" folder:
Code:cd ~/Downloads/
- Download a compatible image with "wget":
Code:wget https://github.com/manjaro-pinephone/plasma-mobile/releases/download/factory_202212201610/Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-pinephonepro-202212201610.img.xz
- Extract the archive using "unxz":
Code:unxz Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-pinephonepro-202212201610.img.xz
- Write the extracted image to the disk:
Code:sudo dd if=Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-pinephonepro-202212201610.img of=/dev/sde bs=1M status=progress conv=fsync
- Reboot the phone after the flashing is finished. It should now boot into Manjaro with Plasma Mobile.
I was interested in glodroid. it has tar.gz. Do I follow the above, or am I "required" to use Manjaro?