Notification LED blinking spontaneously
I did some testing yesterday. You are right that it blinks when it's going to suspend. Exactly 15 minutes after I turn off the screen the blinking starts, another 15 minutes and phone suspends. In this half an hour, battery went 80%>75%. Then I woke up the phone and left it as is for 15 hours 24 minutes, battery 75%>58%. Also the frequency of blinking differs when going into suspend(cca. 0,43[Hz]) and a missed call(cca. 2,24[Hz]). Anyway this still does not explain the original problem when it started heating for no apparent reason. Now I at least have some more knowledge about the blinking and I will keep a look if something unexpected happens.

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RE: Notification LED blinking spontaneously - by boloton - 11-19-2022, 07:38 AM

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