Stock Screener + SMS Alert
Hey guys,

So I have gotten the program and Pine working as I wanted it. I wrote the program on my Surface tablet, ensured everything worked, and then copied it onto my Pine. It runs during market hours and retrieves the price every minute to compute a 9, 12, and 26 minute EMA, and then it tracks the MACD and sends me texts using the Twilio client if there is a crossover or crossunder. I added the ability to choose whether I wanted to input my own stocks, or pull from a stock screener with set parameters (minimum volume, max price, how many stocks to retrieve). I believe I have finessed it to where I envisioned it with my original post; however, my values are slightly off (when comparing on a stock tracking application, like thinkorswim). Also, I have found it gets annoying if I am following a stock with little movement, as it tends to send me a text every minute. I am going to try to find other indicators/expand my time periods to see if that helps. Have had some positive, and some neutral results from the program!

Messages In This Thread
Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by joshdude58 - 05-23-2016, 02:36 PM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by frewind - 05-24-2016, 12:33 AM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by jl_678 - 05-24-2016, 10:11 AM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by joshdude58 - 05-24-2016, 08:36 PM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by frewind - 05-25-2016, 12:41 AM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by JamesHarris - 06-01-2016, 12:46 AM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by joshdude58 - 06-04-2016, 01:19 PM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by jproffer - 06-10-2016, 01:14 PM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by joshdude58 - 06-12-2016, 08:02 PM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by Luke - 06-04-2016, 06:36 PM
RE: Stock Screener + SMS Alert - by joshdude58 - 06-04-2016, 06:57 PM

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