07-28-2022, 11:57 AM
(07-28-2022, 06:46 AM)CounterPillow Wrote: Hi, there's two different types of batteries here.
The RTC Battery
This is a battery that will not be recharged by the board, it's simply there to keep the RTC clock ticking while the board is powered off. This is the only kind of battery the Model B supports. The connector for it is right behind the Ethernet jack.
Hello CounterPillow, Thanks for the reply and great info.
What about the Model A? Is that what you're updating on the Wiki? Reading between the lines, is the model A only able to have an RTC battery after the upcoming driver changes?
I'm trying this out with the ESXi on Arm fling and I'm having issues where it wont load drivers because the signature on the files isn't valid since the board thinks it's Jan 1 2000 (or at least that's my theory at the moment based on the logs I'm seeing). I'm currently getting an error trying to communicate with the RTC in ESXi; I'm assuming (hoping) it doesn't show up unless it has a battery to keep it going?