Arduino API
The fact Pine64 has many free GPIO and comms interfaces, makes it a great candidate for an Arduino API.

I have been a contributor to the Arduino project for quite some time now, and have seen it grow to other great devices like the ESP8266 and such. Basically I think an Arduino API for Pine64 linux would be quite useful for non-programmers and the like. 

Now that the IDE is quite versatile, a Pine64 can be integrated directly in. And the simple API with a reference/documentation already (on would make it quite fun and simple to use, not to mention extendable by numerous Linux libs already available.

I'm going to start putting together a core for the Pine64 (attempt to anyway). I'll start implementing the high level shell and things common to linux like console in/output (Serial), Ethernet, even the EEPROM can be emulated as a per-program storage block on the SD card.

And then add in the low level features of GPIO manipulation. And any packaged drivers can be simply wrapped by Arduino libs (use driver for SPI, I2C if available, rather than bit-banging). However this will probably have to wait until I have something to test against. Plus the pin mapping will have to match that of the Arduino form-factor shield I have seen the creators talking about.

As my board probably won't make it to Australia until probably April, I have plenty of time to begin a basic implementation, but I'm curious to see who else might be interested in this, or more so interested in helping out.

I have created an empty repo here. However, I'm quite busy for the next few days, including researching what is available on the A64,  but will get at least a start happening by the end of the week coming and pushed up to GitHub.


Messages In This Thread
Arduino API - by Opine - 01-23-2016, 10:15 PM
RE: Arduino API - by Zoidiano0 - 01-24-2016, 09:46 AM
RE: Arduino API - by hazerty - 01-24-2016, 11:47 AM
RE: Arduino API - by tllim - 01-24-2016, 02:00 PM
RE: Arduino API - by aaron - 01-29-2016, 05:07 PM
RE: Arduino API - by tllim - 01-29-2016, 05:31 PM
RE: Arduino API - by tithrion - 03-10-2016, 08:33 AM
RE: Arduino API - by tllim - 03-10-2016, 09:49 AM

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