(02-13-2022, 04:33 AM)Arwen Wrote: At present, adding an externally accessible SD card is not in the plans:
Pine64 Wiki - PineNote - Hardware
The frame / case seems fixed, at least for the near future.
I would hope that a future iteration of the system board could add an internally accessible SD card. It's not perfect, but can add quite a bit of storage.
While my developer edition request for the PineNote was accepted, in the end i decided against it due to the lack of any replacable storage in form of an SD card.
I still hope that a future iteration of the PineNote will do feature an SD card slot. I don't really mind the current price of the device and i certainly wouldn't mind any price increase for the addition of an SD card slot, given the potential of the free hardware design. Adding an SD card slot would definitely add to a much more suitable hardware potential.
I already own and use Likebook Mimas 10" e-readers by Boyue since almost two years, deciding against the more easily accessible and much better supported Boox brand only because the Boyue devices do feature an SD card slot.
Integrated external storage in form as of an SD card slot is a must IMHO, just like the Pinebook Pro and the PinePhone do.
Devices: Pinebook Pro & Pinephone (Braveheart)