12-21-2021, 08:35 PM
(12-21-2021, 05:34 AM)EDited Wrote: Hello,
I have a rock64, I'm using the ARMbian onto the device, I cannot tell if this is working or not.
- Green light power goes on.(right side)
- PWR led on.
- STBY led on.
- Ethernet connector shows activity.
This is what I get:
- No HDMI output, I tried with two different monitors.
- I connect an ethernet cable directly to the router and I cannot see the device scanning the LAN.
Since I don't have the serial console cable, is there any way to debug if this is really working since I cannot tell.
- Is the device doing an DHCP automatically?
- Do you recommend any other distribution that is more stable or has support?
The LED sequence is a real crap shoot on these boards. Mine shows solid green and one second pulsing red.
After what seems like it has booted have you checked your LAN to see if the board has been recognised and has a reported address.Use one of those network Analyzer apps on your mobile phone to see it.
Next I'd look at the original image you downloaded ensuring it was properly extracted and burned to the SD card. Try the process again to double check. Next I'd try a different SD card.
Poor quality power supplies giving under voltage have been know to cause problems with the board booting.
Try the above first before dealing with the HDMI issue. When burning a new Armbian image try using the server version first before attempting the desktop version to check your board is actually working properly.