I was not able to figure this out with that specific image, so i installed another that i found here:
It was as easy as filling out the SSID, password, and security type for wifi access.
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I installed the ubuntu-mate desktop and wireless and bluetooth were available for gui configuration. The module was in place before I ran the script to install mate, not sure if that makes a difference or not.
Hello François, the wifi module works just fine out of the box but not the bluetooth module because the drivers are not supportés by the kernel ( longsleep Said so )
Envoyé de mon HUAWEI GRA-L09 en utilisant Tapatalk
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows Linux.
I am having the same issue in enabling WiFi out of the box. I have been playing with wpa_supplicant settings and have still not gotten it to work. Can anyone provide details on how to setup WiFi via the cli? I have Googled and have not had success thus far. I will keep experimenting.
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Okay, running Mate desktop seemed to work. A reboot was required to get everything going.
05-18-2016, 12:02 PM
A bit late: thank you guys!