Game Controllers
This might be more appropos for the hardware thread, but here it is anyway: what game controllers would work best with the PINE? Either on Linux, or Android.
I know that I've tried several controllers with various flavours of Linux and Android, and not been overly thrilled at the results out of the box.
Is PINE64 supports XBOX 360 controller?
(12-13-2015, 05:48 AM)nemesmarcell Wrote: Is PINE64 supports XBOX 360 controller?

Assuming the drivers are available on Linux, you should be able to connect the controllers.

(12-13-2015, 04:31 AM)samandiriel Wrote: This might be more appropos for the hardware thread, but here it is anyway: what game controllers would work best with the PINE? Either on Linux, or Android.
I know that I've tried several controllers with various flavours of Linux and Android, and not been overly thrilled at the results out of the box.

My goal is to get XBox, PS3, and SNES GamePads going.
(12-13-2015, 11:46 AM)KryPtAlIvIaN Wrote: My goal is to get XBox, PS3, and SNES GamePads going.

If you get an SNES controller running you might as well claim NES compatibility as well. It's just an 8bit shift register instead of a 16bit register.
Can you simply purchase a few android controllers (bluetooth connectable) and sync these to the emulators? I am hoping to create an emulation station with all systems through Gamecube (at the latest) and four controllers, for the cheapest possible. Hoping for some insight on everything else I may need so I can hit the ground running when my Pine 64 comes in!
(01-21-2016, 01:47 PM)dimercu9 Wrote: Can you simply purchase a few android controllers (bluetooth connectable) and sync these to the emulators?  I am hoping to create an emulation station with all systems through Gamecube (at the latest) and four controllers, for the cheapest possible. Hoping for some insight on everything else I may need so I can hit the ground running when my Pine 64 comes in!

I cannot confirm Bluetooth right now, but I can confirm generic USB controllers and the Xbox 360 controller with wireless receiver works fine with Android on Pine 64.

I wouldn't expect to run anything beyond Dreamcast, meaning PS2 and GameCube are out of the question right now.
I'll be looking into using an X-Arcade setup in the near future. In theory, it's generic enough that it should work.
Is there a specific reason PS2 and Gamecube are out of the question? I figured Pine64 was powerful enough to handle this capability.
Corners had to be cut with a 15 dollar device. Its using older technology. The cutting edge Nvidia Shield TV is 199.99 and struggles to play gamecube games and cannot play PS2(due to the emulator in its infancy). Cant really expect a $15 dollar board to be on the same level as a $199.99 device.

It should play everything up to Dreamcast though.
(01-29-2016, 03:39 PM)KryPtAlIvIaN Wrote: Corners had to be cut with a 15 dollar device. Its using older technology. The cutting edge Nvidia Shield TV is 199.99 and struggles to play gamecube games and cannot play PS2(due to the emulator in its infancy). Cant really expect a $15 dollar board to be on the same level as a $199.99 device.

It should play everything up to Dreamcast though.

But I'm guessing it won't run any Sega Saturn emulators, since it is a system that is/was notoriously difficult to emulate. At least that's what I heard last time I checked.

But you say it will emulate Dreamcast. Is that via Reicast? What is the performance like, do you know?

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