I have been trying to determine what sim cards and carriers will work on the current Pine phone OS releases,
I have tried multiple sim card 'kits' from TracFone and Net 10, they come with AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon carrier sim cards.
Verizon sim cards always show "NO SIM CARD" from both TracFone and Net 10 'sim card kits' ?
The T-Mobile sim cards take a while "searching" when looking in the settings > 'Modem' but they do eventually show a carrier, signal and network type.
I did activate an account with 'Simple Mobile' (T-Mobile NVMO) that works, but T-Mobile is weak in many of the areas I am in.
I picked Simple Mobile over TracFone as they offer more service for the same price, for T-Mobile carrier service.
The TracFone, Net 10/AT&T sim cards do show a sim card but they do not (for me) show a carrier, signal or network type, even waiting over an hour.
But, I do have a PMOS Pine phone on an activated TracFone/AT&T account that is working 'ok'.
> I also tested an un-activated AT&T sim card that was direct, not through an NVMO and it shows a strong signal, carrier, and network type pretty quickly.
My 'daily driver' Brave Heart phone is running 'very well' on an official "AT&T Prepaid account"...
Note: I am semi-rural, so my results may not be typical.
I hope to hear some others mention their experiences with getting Verizon to work..? NVMO's ? ?
( I personally dislike Verizon, but there are some places, that is the only carrier )
( When Verizon came to Tucson, Arizona, (1980's) they bought all the existing communication services, and shut them down )
While the hardware and software are important to any smart phone, actually connecting to a carrier is also kind of vital....
* Deals can be had with carriers, but they do prioritize, The top of the list are the full price consumers on post pay,
then their direct PrePay customers, at the bottom of the list, is the discount NVMO customers
"Check-out Pure Talk NVMO" for some great deals !
I have tried multiple sim card 'kits' from TracFone and Net 10, they come with AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon carrier sim cards.
Verizon sim cards always show "NO SIM CARD" from both TracFone and Net 10 'sim card kits' ?
The T-Mobile sim cards take a while "searching" when looking in the settings > 'Modem' but they do eventually show a carrier, signal and network type.
I did activate an account with 'Simple Mobile' (T-Mobile NVMO) that works, but T-Mobile is weak in many of the areas I am in.
I picked Simple Mobile over TracFone as they offer more service for the same price, for T-Mobile carrier service.
The TracFone, Net 10/AT&T sim cards do show a sim card but they do not (for me) show a carrier, signal or network type, even waiting over an hour.
But, I do have a PMOS Pine phone on an activated TracFone/AT&T account that is working 'ok'.
> I also tested an un-activated AT&T sim card that was direct, not through an NVMO and it shows a strong signal, carrier, and network type pretty quickly.
My 'daily driver' Brave Heart phone is running 'very well' on an official "AT&T Prepaid account"...
Note: I am semi-rural, so my results may not be typical.
I hope to hear some others mention their experiences with getting Verizon to work..? NVMO's ? ?
( I personally dislike Verizon, but there are some places, that is the only carrier )
( When Verizon came to Tucson, Arizona, (1980's) they bought all the existing communication services, and shut them down )
While the hardware and software are important to any smart phone, actually connecting to a carrier is also kind of vital....
* Deals can be had with carriers, but they do prioritize, The top of the list are the full price consumers on post pay,
then their direct PrePay customers, at the bottom of the list, is the discount NVMO customers
"Check-out Pure Talk NVMO" for some great deals !
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