Would like to buy, need some help

I would like to buy a PinePhone since I'm getting rid of every main stream softw. and devices and applications ... (no Facebook, no Google, no MS and so on)
I love everything which is an alternative and it is a long time that I begun to use and test Linux on my PCs and at the end I decided that Debian is the best for me.
Recently I decided to avoid android and IOS and the smartphones usually in commerce and at the moment I'm using a normal phone 2G and an android device on the desk (like a printer) without simm only because of VIBER and WhatsApp (I cannot avoid them).
When I discovered the possibility of a PinePhone I contacted the Company asking for information and it was answered that I had to wait until July to place my order (model of 200USD), in the same occasion it has been explained that I would have received a working device with already installed software without specific troubles.
A couple of days ago I was ready to order and place the payment when the sales desk told me that it may be difficult for me to use the phone because "It maybe not suitable for you to purchase as not end user ready due to some apps is not ready.", by the way I'm not a  programmer/creator/developer but a simple user. I'm not looking for specific or strange software but actually I would like to use normally the device without too many troubles... The sales desk concluded that "Overall it will better to wait for few more months for developers to discover or improve the version."
I would like to ask if the phone is OK for a normal user like me, if are requested specific skills and eventually if there are some specifications/models/other to specify when placing the order.
What kind of troubles would I expect buying now or waiting a couple of months?
Since the device is touch it would not be wise to install Debian because of the drivers, I suppose that the original software is created in order to work on a touch phone and with phone functions and dedicated for smartphones...
Is there anybody that will be so kind to give me any suggestion?

Thanks a lot and best regards!
Hi Tommaso,
  It is possible to use the Pine phone now with limited skills,  but it may involve some fiddling with the phone.

They have had some complaints from a few customers about the usability of the current operating systems,
so it is safer to tell you to wait.

You will need to be able to download operating systems from the internet and flash these downloads onto SD cards, and swap the sd card inside the Pine phone.

If you study the information in this forum a whole lot, it is "possible to have a working Linux phone", even with very limited skills.
but it is also very possible to get into a position where you need a developers skills.

The poster plainenough has some helpful information on the currently popular operating systems.
The talk and text features are "semi-reliable" on some of the current operating systems.

If you want instant "Plug and Play" everything just "works" it would be better to wait.
BUT, if you do not mind fiddling around with your phone a bit, and accept that not every function works 'yet' ? ?

You may actually find the Pine phone "acceptable"  at this stage.

I did pick up a cheap new message phone on Ebay ($20.USD incl.shipping)
  I use for testing calls and texts with my Brave Heart phone.
 I have had to use that a few times when the Linux phone did not work.
but I have been able to use my Linux phone about 98% of the time.

Good Luck,  BC
(08-11-2020, 03:24 PM)bcnaz Wrote: If you study the information in this forum a whole lot, it is "possible to have a working Linux phone", even with very limited skills.
but it is also very possible to get into a position where you need a developers skills.

This seems pretty accurate.

I would add that your distro choice will also affect which features are working as different projects prioritize different things.
   I am kind of surprised they have not  'sold out' ... yet.
I just looked at the store and both versions still show 'In Stock'

Between us repeat buyers and more new people getting interested,
 I ordered my Convergence Package as soon as I heard they had opened sales
of this batch.
  I think they have eliminated all the 'known issues' at this point in time,  that is not to say they may discover other issues unknown at the moment.

I am hoping they do keep the estimated late August shipping date.
If i were you, i´d either read up on Linux commands or wait for some time for at least one OS to mature.  Whatever Linux savvy people tell you, this phone is not yet meant for someone who is not happy to get his hands dirty.
(08-12-2020, 01:52 AM)Veraendert Wrote: If i were you, i´d either read up on Linux commands or wait for some time for at least one OS to mature.  Whatever Linux savvy people tell you, this phone is not yet meant for someone who is not happy to get his hands dirty.
I second what he said, as I am still having issues with UBports and Mobian working as a daily driver for my Pinephone UBports edition. I don't think the OS's are ready yet for non Linux savvy people. Wait until it does mature, because right now Im currently stuck with a paperweight.
To be fair, that´s exactly what Pine64 says what the PinePhone is:

" The core purpose of this campaign is to provide hardware capable of running mainline Linux to members of the community so that postmarketOS developers can benefit from feedback and code contributions to their project. The preinstalled postmarketOS software build which ships with this edition of the PinePhone is an Alpha software build. This effectively mean that while core functionality of the PinePhone – such as telephone calls, SMS messages, LTE, GPS, GPU acceleration, etc. – is operational, it is also an ongoing effort, and thus the device cannot be considered as a consumer-ready product."
Dear All,

I would like to thank everybody for the kind answers.
I will wait a couple of mouths to allow the developers to improve the system.

Nevertheless I confirm my interest for linux also as an hobby and the fact that, afters long tests, I'm ready to pass all my professional business on linux platforms and also using alternative platforms instead of mainstream networks and solutions.

Despite  what above reported I'm still a user, I do not have the necessary skills to be an expert or a developer ... I also have a limited disposal of time to keep studying in such a way to become a professional or similar, so I will remain a hobby-man and something like a user.

Thanks again, I will be in touch to be very soon a new happy purchaser and user of those nice devices!

Best Regards
(08-11-2020, 03:24 PM)bcnaz Wrote: Hi Tommaso,
  It is possible to use the Pine phone now with limited skills,  but it may involve some fiddling with the phone.

They have had some complaints from a few customers about the usability of the current operating systems,
so it is safer to tell you to wait.

You will need to be able to download operating systems from the internet and flash these downloads onto SD cards, and swap the sd card inside the Pine phone.

If you study the information in this forum a whole lot, it is "possible to have a working Linux phone", even with very limited skills.
but it is also very possible to get into a position where you need a developers skills.

The poster plainenough has some helpful information on the currently popular operating systems.
The talk and text features are "semi-reliable" on some of the current operating systems.

If you want instant "Plug and Play" everything just "works" it would be better to wait.
BUT, if you do not mind fiddling around with your phone a bit, and accept that not every function works 'yet' ? ?

You may actually find the Pine phone "acceptable"  at this stage.

I did pick up a cheap new message phone on Ebay ($20.USD incl.shipping)
  I use for testing calls and texts with my Brave Heart phone.
 I have had to use that a few times when the Linux phone did not work.
but I have been able to use my Linux phone about 98% of the time.

Good Luck,  BC
Thanks so much for your kind answer!

Best Regards, Tommaso

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