Looks like I am just gonna throw this in the drawer for awhile and continue using Raspberry pis until something solid is released. I have the 2 gig board and really havent gotten anything done with it. Remix constantly crashes. Hoping for time to really get some solid OS options out there
I understand the frustration but I figure if I keep allowing the Pine64 to send crash reports, it will help the crew solidify the OS.
I have succeeded in crashing a number of times and will probably restart with a fresh reload of the longsleep ubuntu release.
Yes, mine is a 2gb board also.
What do you want to do with it? There are obviously some stability issues, given that its a new piece of hardware, but it performs pretty well for what it is. Have you checked out the Ubuntu img ? If you want to use the Pine64 as a headless device (e.g. server) then look no further ...
Regarding RemixOS, I think that the issues will be ironed out in a couple of months. They have made major progress with it already (for one it actually boots !)
Remix is working well on my 2 units... only issue I have found is chrome doesn't work well
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