Verizon (US) in-coming texts
Any ideas on how to enable or implement in-coming texting on Verizon?

The phosh and plasma GUI apn editors seem buggy, perhaps someone knows how to edit apns via terminal?

I have tried various releases of Ubuntu, Debian, pmOS, pureOS, and Manjaro. All are able to make and receive calls, and the Debian-based distros even indicate I am on VoLTE. Ubuntu, Debian, and pureOS are also able to send text messages. I lack a messaging app in Manjaro and can't get Chatty to initiate a text in pmOS, so no texts in either of those.
I had problems receiving sms messages as well. It turned out to be that the modem cache was full. Clearing the cache allowed the messages to be received.
Details can be found here.
Using minicom on Debian I'm able to observe modem events when I'm in /dev/ttyUSB2. when a sms message should be received it registers something like "+CMTI: "ME",10" but the message doesn't show up in chatty.

So it seems like maybe its an issue in Chatty and not with the Verizon network. Does anyone have any insight why this might be? Am I missing a setting?

When I run "AT+CMGD=0,4" it returns "+CMS ERROR: 350" but the Quectel manual doesn't seem to define a CMS ERROR: 350. Seems the manual skips right from Error 332 to Error 500.
(05-18-2020, 11:03 PM)brb78 Wrote: When I run "AT+CMGD=0,4" it returns "+CMS ERROR: 350" but the Quectel manual doesn't seem to define a CMS ERROR: 350. Seems the manual skips right from Error 332 to Error 500.

Indeed, I am not certain what the error means. From searching the Web it seems that it would be a general no connection error. I have only ever had that error when running the command if the Sim card is removed, or the phone is not registered with the isp / out of signal.
I've explored this issue further. I'm beginning to suspect its something with Chatty, though still have no solution to getting incoming SMS on Verizon.

when I run

sudo mmcli -m 0 --messaging-list-sms

and it responds with some message being present such as

/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SMS/3 (received)

then I'm able to view message through cli using

sudo mmcli -s 3
General | dbus path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SMS/3
Content | number: xxxxxxxxxx
| text: Test
Properties | pdu type: cdma-deliver
| state: received
| storage: me
| teleservice id: wmt

but this message never seems to be passed to Chatty.

Any thought on whats going on or the underlying issue?

Updating to Chatty 0.1.11-1 seemed to resolve this, just got flooded with sms and new ones are coming through in realtime.
After about 24 sms, Chat seems to be failing to get new messages from the modem again even though they do show as "received" in mmcli. I'm not sure what about updating Chat briefly fixed this, but its back. This is on Mobian.
Hey @brb78, sorry I've been MIA! I got to the same point you're at now also on Mobian.

The screen will (usually) light up, but there will be no notification in the gui about a text. If I check Chatty, there's nothing there, but if I check through mmcli like you did, I get the same output you do, so I'm guessing it's a matter of the texts not being passed through from ModemManager to Chatty correctly. 

I'm not sure if anyone from the Purism dev team is around, but I know @a-wai has had some issues with Chatty in the past and is the lead dev of Mobian so might be able to point us in the right direction. 

The other possible root cause I can think of is it having to do with Verizon's CDMA network. Maybe we can find some people on other CDMA networks and see if they have the same issue.
There is a program in the repos called modem-manager-gui.
I noticed some messages do not make it into chatty but are stuck on the modem as well recently.
I think they are mms messages but I am not sure. I have been using modem-manager-gui to view them on the phone (when I am not using ssh from a computer for mmcli) Not sure if it would help but you could use it to send / receive and bypass chatty to test.
So I just did some testing with modem-manager-gui and got some really interesting results...

As expected, when sending/receiving a text using the gui, nothing shows up in Chatty.

More interestingly, if I sent myself a text from Chatty with delivery receipts on, the delivery receipts show up in mmgui, but not the text itself. Sending a text to myself from mmgui, however, results in both the sent and received texts being visible in mmgui.

What I find the most surprising though is that the text I sent/received from mmgui and all the delivery receipts do not appear when listing messages on the modem, just the ones I sent from Chatty. What's weird to me about all that is that when I send a text from Chatty, it appears in mmcli even though it gets delivered.

As a test, I just texted my fiancee and had her text back. My text from Chatty went through and appears as sent in mmcli. The delivery receipt was received in mmgui and does not appear in mmcli. Her response appears in mmgui, but not Chatty or mmcli.

This, to me, definitely lends credance to the idea of it being an issue with Chatty over anything else. I know Ubuntu Touch uses ofono for telephony and built their texting app around that, but maybe there's a different app that works with modem manager we could use to test
Not sure if you tried this already or not. Thought I would mention in case not because it may help with testing.
To further isolate it might help to kill the chatty daemon and let mmgui handle all the messages.

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