07-11-2019, 03:23 PM
I feel really silly posting this, but the Armbian folks were pretty direct about Armbian support.
The net result is that ANY H64 board is apparently so unsupported, that asking questions about it is wasting their time and abusive (their words, and sorry for being snarky/not sorry).
The wiki page:
Does not state any of that.
I would suggest updating it to say "Unsupported" per Igor, below:
Emphasis mine.
Note that the same page on the Armbian site doesn't specify "A" or "B", just shows a picture. Apparently, you're supposed to compare the picture and then realize you have a different board; despite the fact that the H64 page on Pine64 for the "B" board links to the same build. Per Tido/Retro:
If you go to Pine64, the "B" board, then link to Armbian, there are no pictures, and no mention that only "A" works and neither is supported. The file name is missing an "A" but given that the Pine64 "B" page links here ... you would think it works.
So, maybe not so stupid.
In any event, the Raspberry Pi 4 is looking better and better ...
It's a shame, the power connector on the Pi4 is absurd; the H64 had a much better construction IMHO, more suited to a commercial, low quantity operation.
== John ==
The net result is that ANY H64 board is apparently so unsupported, that asking questions about it is wasting their time and abusive (their words, and sorry for being snarky/not sorry).
The wiki page:
Does not state any of that.
I would suggest updating it to say "Unsupported" per Igor, below:
I does not matter. There is no support for Pine H6. Not for A and not for B. Support = dealing with users. There are only testing images for whatever is on that name/picture. If you have problems with those images, your messages usually goes to /dev/null It was a miracle that it came this far. Closing again.
Emphasis mine.
Note that the same page on the Armbian site doesn't specify "A" or "B", just shows a picture. Apparently, you're supposed to compare the picture and then realize you have a different board; despite the fact that the H64 page on Pine64 for the "B" board links to the same build. Per Tido/Retro:
As long as you have no problems with your eyes, simply look - does any of these boards look like yours :https://www.armbian.com/download/?tx_maker=pine64
I answer for you: no. Yours is a totally different form factor with different HW. And with your expericence (as it states on your profile) you should least be able to guess it matters.

If you go to Pine64, the "B" board, then link to Armbian, there are no pictures, and no mention that only "A" works and neither is supported. The file name is missing an "A" but given that the Pine64 "B" page links here ... you would think it works.
So, maybe not so stupid.
In any event, the Raspberry Pi 4 is looking better and better ...
It's a shame, the power connector on the Pi4 is absurd; the H64 had a much better construction IMHO, more suited to a commercial, low quantity operation.
== John ==