I started to reply to mmatyas thread but I feel like this is something different. Where mmatyas started with ayufan's Debian and performed a sloppy hack to turn it into ArchLinuxArm, I'm starting with Manjaro and attempting a sloppy hack but I'm not having any luck...yet.
Edit: I prematurely wrote that I'm not having any luck. I was successful in working back through method 2.

Method 1:
1) Follow installation steps 1 trough 6 on Arch Linux ARM's Rock64 page.
2) Download and extract Manjaro image (this exact image may be nonexistent or outdated as you're reading this)
3) Copy boot.scr, idbloader.img, trust.img, and uboot.img from the boot directory of the extracted Manjaro image.
4) Continue following steps 7 through 9 Arch Linux ARM's Rock64 page using Manjaro's boot.scr, idbloader.img, trust.img, and uboot.img instead of downloading from
5) Attempt to boot.
I'm hoping someone can explain to me why I'm an idiot and this doesn't work.

Method 2:
1) Burn before-mentioned Manjaro image to disk and boot into Manjaro.
2) # cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.bup
3) # echo 'Server =$arch/$repo" > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
4) # rm /etc/lsb-release
5) # pacman-key init
6) # pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm
7) # pacman -Syu base-devel git
8) $ git clone
9) $ cd uboot-rockpro64
10) $ makepkg -si
11) Reboot and wait very patiently (several minutes).

[Image: rk5vjGC.jpg]


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