Where is the web browser
I installed 0.3.4: jenkins-android-7.1-rock-64-86 via https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/android-7.1/releases, wanting to have a display for a web-based dashboard ( fyi, a JS based application named Kibana, useful for DevOps folks).

But I can't find the web browser. Youtube, OK, but not Chrome or Chromium. Is this not available via the Google Play store? Alternatives ?
chrome should be installed. have you ever used android before?
(12-28-2017, 02:54 AM)dkryder Wrote: chrome should be installed. have you ever used android before?

No, I haven't used android on a SBC before.  Here is what I have presented:
  • Google Play Movies and TV
  • Youtube
  • Google Play Store
  • DRM Info
  • ES File Explorer
  • Sideload Launcher
  • Plex
  • VLC
Not sure if there is a better distribution to use that does include a browser.  I was also able to flash Ubuntu with Mate, but running Chromium showed visible tearing when doing something simple like scrolling.
well, google play store should give you chrome. you will need a gmail account i think. or maybe one of the browsers mentioned in this article
I think the issue is that I'm using atv ( Android TV ), and Chrome may not be available in this case. Some info at https://www.cnx-software.com/2017/07/16/...-and-kodi/ .

I see there are some new releases - I'll try the r115 release from this past week, the "regular" flavor, and let people know how that goes.
(01-05-2018, 12:08 PM)toby Wrote: I think the issue is that I'm using atv ( Android TV ), and Chrome may not be available in this case. Some info at https://www.cnx-software.com/2017/07/16/...-and-kodi/ .

I see there are some new releases - I'll try the r115 release from this past week, the "regular" flavor, and let people know how that goes.

You can sideload chrome browser.
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