RemixOS SD read-only? (OS X)
Hi there;

I have Pine64+ (2GB) plus the official 16GB SD card with Remix OS. It works excelent.
Now I'm trying to format the SD in order to boot from an external HDD.

I'm using macOs Sierra 10.12.3 (MBP 15-inch early 2011) - when I insert the SD with the SD adapter in the built-in MBP SD reader the OS throws this error:

Quote:The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer.

[Image: nqXSJRe.png]

If I open the Terminal and type: 

diskutil list

it shows this:

/dev/disk3 (internal, physical):
  #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
  0:                                                   *16.1 GB    disk3

[Image: lFo0gXP.png]

So I installed SDFormatter for Mac, and then it throw this error when I tried to format the SD:

Quote:The card is write-protected.
Please release the write protect switch.

[Image: 955nPxc.png]

BUT the SD adapter is not locked (lateral switch).

So, which may be the issue? The SD card? Mac OS?

Thanks for reading!
Holy Buckets !

... please edit your post down so that all of that crap doesn't get copied over and over and over.


You don't need to format your SD card;  just copy the /rootfs to your HDD, and then point the bootup to that device. Basically, the pine boots from the SD, and then runs the /rootfs from the HDD.
marcushh777    Cool

please join us for a chat @   or ssl

( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )
(03-28-2017, 09:29 AM)MarkHaysHarris777 Wrote: Holy Buckets !

... please edit your post down so that all of that crap doesn't get copied over and over and over.


You don't need to format your SD card;  just copy the /rootfs to your HDD, and then point the bootup to that device. Basically, the pine boots from the SD, and then runs the /rootfs from the HDD.

Thanks for you answer! I will check how to do that, seems exactly what I need.
Which Linux/Image are you trying to run from HDD?
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
(03-28-2017, 11:14 AM)xalius Wrote: Which Linux/Image are you trying to run from HDD?

I've downloaded this one: xenial-pine64-bspkernel-20161218-1.img.xz 
From here:

But currently I'm researching how to "copy the /rootfs to the HDD" because I don't know much about this thing.

The HDD is a WD Black My Passport (4 TB) and I've made 3 partitions: 1 (20GB) for GitLab data, 1 (20GB) for NextCloud data and the other with the remaining space for Linux, GitLab and NextCloud installation files.

I'm lost about how proceed.
Usually the Ubuntu image is using two partitions, one for the boot files and one for your Linux root file system containing the actual OS. So if you write the image to an SD-card you should see two partitions. You can move the second partition of the SD-card to an external drive/USB-Stick/Network, but you have to point the boot-loader to your new location. This is done by editing uEnv.txt on the boot partition.
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
Yes, first install to SD card and make sure everything is OK. Then you can copy over the partition containing the root file system to an external drive and point the config files there. If you have any questions, it's maybe easier to talk in IRC (see below, or above - :-)
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
(03-28-2017, 11:45 AM)xalius Wrote: Yes, first install to SD card and make sure everything is OK. Then you can copy over the partition containing the root file system to an external drive and point the config files there. If you have any questions, it's maybe easier to talk in IRC (see below, or above - :-)

Alright, I'll try this! Also I'll check IRC, thanks!

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