Simple questions from a non tech guy.
Here is a copy of a message I sent to the creators/developers... I was thinking that some of these things could be answered for me here and then others like me would be able to benefit from it.

This project really really fascinates me, but I am not knowledgable about computers. I don't know enough about some of the terms your using to know the full extent of the boards abilities. The idea of expanding with more boards could be the kick computers needs to jump to the next level. What can I do with the computer? I don't know any OS except Windows, and I stumble through android on my tablet (still using a flip phone here), with dozens of Apps I have no idea what they are. Will I be able to use the computer, with the proper interfaces of course.

I guess what I am asking is how can I, a not so computery person use and benefit from the computer?

I really love the idea and modular design of it.

oh and if someone gets say 10 is there a housing option, or do you have ideas for that?

Thanks all for responses.
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(12-09-2015, 08:26 PM)LORamlatus Wrote: Here is a copy of a message I sent to the creators/developers... I was thinking that some of these things could be answered for me here and then others like me would be able to benefit from it.

This project really really fascinates me, but I am not knowledgable about computers. I don't know enough about some of the terms your using to know the full extent of the boards abilities. The idea of expanding with more boards could be the kick computers needs to jump to the next level. What can I do with the computer? I don't know any OS except Windows, and I stumble through android on my tablet (still using a flip phone here), with dozens of Apps I have no idea what they are. Will I be able to use the computer, with the proper interfaces of course.

I guess what I am asking is how can I, a not so computery person use and benefit from the computer?

I really love the idea and modular design of it.

oh and if someone gets say 10 is there a housing option, or do you have ideas for that?

Thanks all for responses.

Hi Ramlatus

I know how you feel since most of us are not power users or build PC for fun. We are used to prepare machines that are ready out of the box. There's nothing wrong with that so you are not alone. Also if we need to dive deeper there's tons of how to video,forums,tutorials . So don't worry and let's make pine64 a fun place to tinker ???

One of the great things about these boards is the ability to learn new operating systems at a low cost. Plus if you screw it up, all you need to do is re-flash the image to the SD card and your back to where you left off.
How many expander boards would someone need to make the god of home computers? A Really Really awesome computer. I know that for computers processing and such 1+1 does not equal 2.
If I can link the boards together, can I create a personal server to host things like Minecraft, Teamspeak, or something else?
Thumbs Up 
(12-10-2015, 04:52 PM)KryPtAlIvIaN Wrote: Ramlatus,

One of the great things about these boards is the ability to learn new operating systems at a low cost. Plus if you screw it up, all you need to do is re-flash the image to the SD card and your back to where you left off.

KryPtAlIvIan: Better yet, have a couple of micro SD cards on hand and swap OS's as you please. This will allow for trying multiple OS's and compare features/drawbacks of each for a particular purpose.
(12-10-2015, 10:33 PM)Ramlatus Wrote: If I can link the boards together, can I create a personal server to host things like Minecraft, Teamspeak, or something else?
You should be able to do that anyways without needing an array, assuming you have at least 1GB of RAM (I backed the 2GB model). They have Ubuntu servers for TeamSpeak and Minecraft readily available.
[Image: dpluoa73139.png]

Windows is not a virus. A virus is small and efficient...

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