LAN/NIC problem
I have a 2gb pine64 board. I have managed to load up remixos and android on it without issues. However i found that the NIC does not connect well when using long cables. I have cat6 cables going throughout the house and when i connect the pine64 directly to my router with a 2-3m network cable it works and connects fine. However when i move it to my living room where i would like the device to be, it doesn't connect. On remixos i can see that it gets an ip address, but does not connect to the internet or even the router page. Is there a design flaw for the NIC or would it be android related?
I have the same problems using debian linux image. Sometimes it turns on, but mostly not, at least if the cable is longer. I also use Cat6 (PremiumCord) cables. Somehow I had no problem at my office, where the cables run a long way from the switch. I suppose the cables are Cat5 there. Is this some hardware issue?

I just bought a new 10 meters cable to run the pine in the next room and now I am pretty puzzled... it does not work, mostly. Even reconnecting to a shorter cable does not activate the port. I have to power the Pine off, connect a short cable and power on. When the port activates, I can reconnect to the longer cable again, but that would be not of much help if I really moved the Pine further away...
probably related to
Still looking for a solution, atm you can  use a 4strand cable to force the NIC in 100mbit mode.
Under linux you can force the NIC to 100mbit with 'ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full'
Use a cat6 cable, and force it to 100mb/s

sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full

marcushh777    Cool

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( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )
Which startup script do you suggest in order to start it in good time? Anyway, I hope it is just a software problem and not a hardware one, like someone suggested - that would be a serious disappointment, even though I agree that I do not expect Pine to be able to process and stream data at any (much) higher speeds than 100mbps.
(08-06-2016, 04:21 PM)wanthalf Wrote: Which startup script do you suggest in order to start it in good time? Anyway, I hope it is just a software problem and not a hardware one, like someone suggested - that would be a serious disappointment, even though I agree that I do not expect Pine to be able to process and stream data at any (much) higher speeds than 100mbps.

It is more than likely hardware related. But that does not mean it cannot be corrected. Some folks are experimenting with the port. More than likely its a configuration 'thing' that will need to be sorted.   Stay tuned, and stay positive.
marcushh777    Cool

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( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )
Where should I put the ethtool call? It does not really help to have it in rc.local.
Where you place the ethtool call is up to you... depending on when you need things connected to the Internet; including to after boot-up entirely... manually. Its up to you.
marcushh777    Cool

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( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )
No, it isn't. When the driver is loaded, it either detects the carrier and runs at 1Gbps, or it doesn't and then it doesn't run at all. Anything done later won't change it. Unfortunately, I haven't enough time to experiment with this. But I hope someone finds out... Thanks.
(08-09-2016, 04:46 PM)wanthalf Wrote: No, it isn't. When the driver is loaded, it either detects the carrier and runs at 1Gbps, or it doesn't and then it doesn't run at all. Anything done later won't change it. Unfortunately, I haven't enough time to experiment with this. But I hope someone finds out... Thanks.

I have a couple of homies I can check with... will update just as soon as I know more or less definitively ...
marcushh777    Cool

please join us for a chat @   or ssl

( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )

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