What Is This World We Live In?
Is it notable to anyone else that since posting comments about updating Arch Linux yesterday my phone has been acting particularly differently?
I'm not sure the cause.  I'm suspicious about external tampering.  That would be a shame.  There's likely nothing to gain.  I'm a poor man with little joy in life.  It'd be in anyone's best interest to have a conversation with me rather than play tricks.  I have more to offer in words, I'm sure, than anything.
I've had systems that are not connected to anything in any way do this. You should be able to determine if someone has been accessing your Pinephone. If you tell us what it's been doing, we might be able to help you narrow it down.

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(02-19-2024, 01:06 PM)KC9UDX Wrote: I've had systems that are not connected to anything in any way do this.  You should be able to determine if someone has been accessing your Pinephone.  If you tell us what it's been doing, we might be able to help you narrow it down.

That is fair and true.  The problem with technology (and many other things) is that paranoia easily caused by glichy systems (be they physical or social), inexperienced users, incomplete manufacturing, and much more... there are many things that have to be done correctly for the result to be satisfying, well rounded, good, and useful.  Thats enough sermonizing from me.  I will get off this not-so-high horse, now.

The system reboots itself periodically, but thats nothing new.  
The cell phone modem quits working sometimes, but thats nothing new.
Yesterday it seemed to have auto rotated itself without rebooting, twice, and the second time I was not allowed to type anything on the password keypad.  I had to manually reboot it.
The weather ap wouldnt start.

I have done two newish things with the device: I connected a bluetooth speaker a few days ago.
Yesterday I started reading about hiw to backup and update the system.
Sometimes i do wonder if there is a glitch in the system that allows a hacker to access the system bypassing the wifi or bluetooth or modem and go straight into the phone, like if the chip is active meaning physical kill switch is not turned off and it shows the wifi bluetooth icons but does seem to be turned off even though it appears to be off but is really on and allowing a hacker to bypass the software off switch
It's not an entirely unreasonable thought, @aular.
These things are extremely complicated. Separately humans have an enormous capacity for imagination. Put the two together (a complicated system and human imagination) and, well, we get comments like yours and mine. Greater study leading to greater comprehension is one way to mitigate these concerns, but then there's other unanswered questions and on and on . . .and to what end? It often tires and bores me nowadays.
Thats why i ask if solebody could look into this issue a few months back but idk what came about it.

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