Kinda upset at the lack of response to GBe issues
I have the A64+ board, and I figured I'd use it to replace my Pi2 as a media center, and use the Pi2 for something else. I'm in the same boat as lots of others - GB network isn't working, which was one of the main reasons I got the damn thing. If I reduce the network connectivity on my switch to 100mbps for the port I connect the Pine64 to, it works fine (well, y'know.. "fine"). I dont even get the slow speed - I get an IP, but the Pine refuses to connect to anything. 

My issue here is not with the issue at hand - I get that bugs can and will happen. What frustrates me to no end is the fact that there is nothing from the Pine guys on this. TL hasn't replied to a single thread about this as far as I know, and not even recognized this as an issue. 

Could we please get an official statement on if the issues lots of us are experiencing with GBe are even on your list of things to fix? Do you guys have an ETA, or an idea on what the issue could be? If you don't think it's the Pine - any suggestions on what else it could be? I've tried 4 different wall outlets (2 of which I use to power Pi2 and Pi3), and they don't make a difference at all.
(05-18-2016, 07:28 AM)yusijs Wrote: I have the A64+ board, and I figured I'd use it to replace my Pi2 as a media center, and use the Pi2 for something else. I'm in the same boat as lots of others - GB network isn't working, which was one of the main reasons I got the damn thing. If I reduce the network connectivity on my switch to 100mbps for the port I connect the Pine64 to, it works fine (well, y'know.. "fine"). I dont even get the slow speed - I get an IP, but the Pine refuses to connect to anything. 

My issue here is not with the issue at hand - I get that bugs can and will happen. What frustrates me to no end is the fact that there is nothing from the Pine guys on this. TL hasn't replied to a single thread about this as far as I know, and not even recognized this as an issue. 

Could we please get an official statement on if the issues lots of us are experiencing with GBe are even on your list of things to fix? Do you guys have an ETA, or an idea on what the issue could be? If you don't think it's the Pine - any suggestions on what else it could be? I've tried 4 different wall outlets (2 of which I use to power Pi2 and Pi3), and they don't make a difference at all.


One of the issues with the GBe 'issues' is not everyone has a problem. That makes it hard to pinpoint the cause. I have perfectly fine GBe with my pine. I am not using high end hardware and even use handmade cables I made myself. When I have asked people to please describe their setups, what they are connecting to, what are they testing against, they have not been overly forthcoming. There are also misunderstandings, one person had the POE kit from pine and didn't know why he wasnt getting gigabit speeds, well the kit maxes out at 100Mbit. 

I am not trying to be overly protective of the developers but as a developer the data is not good enough to find any issue at this point. What we have at this point is the equivalent of someone pushing their car to a Mechanics garage and saying "It dont go!" and walking away, mic drop end of discussion.

So as I have tried to ask in the past, if you have a GBe issue lets make this a useful discussion for the developers and those like me that enjoy troubleshooting. 
  • What cable are you using, store bought, what rating cat5 cat5e cat6 it should all be printed on the cable
  • What are you hooking it to, Etherswitch, Router, Give brand, make and model and if you have installed custom firmware like dd-wrt
  • What are you testing against? Gigabit speed tests should be against another device on your network preferably with iperf or something similar that only tests network speed (one problem at a time lets not try to troubleshoot samba, apache and the whole network stack at once)
  • Please when it comes to troubleshooting provide evidence, not "I know this does this" or "I know my stuff is good" thats counter productive, your hardware may be all great but there may be a basic low level signaling issue between your hardware and Pine and people who just stomp their feet and say "My Cisco etherswitch is fine, its the pines fault" arent helping. 
  • Anything you can do to narrow the testing scope down helps, like giving the details mentioned above. 
  • Keep in mind when it comes to the linux side of the house everyone is a volunteer. There are not paid Pine employees to the best of my knowledge working on linux, and getting Allwinner to make changes to the BSP will require documentable proof. 

Not trying to pick on you or single you out. We just need to get better data to the devs other than "It doesn't work" because for them its obviously working.

I want to help you folks, I want to help the devs make the product better but until we can provide them with the steps and info they need to reproduce whats causing things to be slow we are just making noise.
- I've tried with multiple cables (self-made, cat6 and cat5e)
- I've tried against two gbe switches. A "dumb", unmanaged gb switch and a Cisco SG-200-8, which routes through to my Archer C7 router/modem.
- My tests this far has been limited to "connect it, and try and ping from it". Just pinging is a toss up.
- My point wasnt "ermagerd my shit is the bomb", and I'm sorry if it came across like that - I was merely saying that the equipment I'm using towards the pine works flawlessly for all my other connected devices (arduino uno w/ ethernet shield, pi2/3, ps3/4, nas, media server are all connected to the same network equipment, and like I mentioned - I power my pi2 and pi3 with the same plugs as I've tried on the Pine). My point here was more that I have tons of connected devices working perfectly fine at GBe speeds, but not the Pine.

Anything I can provide to troubleshoot, I'd pass along. However, the network issues are not happening on ubuntu or debian - only android. I'd add more details to my post, but my kid is annoyed with me.. :3
Do you have more than one pine connected?
No, just one
Ok, with two or more i forgot to change Macs and i was facing a duplicated network mac, so i had intermitent net failures on both of them... Just in case
I too am frustrated by this. I only have one A64+ so for me it's a 100% failure rate. I am willing to give you whatever info you need to diagnose the issue.
You need to diagnose it yourself as it is not possible to do this remote and without the right tools and skills to change and debug the software (assuming its a software issue).
(05-27-2016, 11:26 AM)longsleep Wrote: You need to diagnose it yourself as it is not possible to do this remote and without the right tools and skills to change and debug the software (assuming its a software issue).

I barely get usuable internet speeds on my pine with android.  Debian it works fine.
  How do they not have enough info to fix it?  Grab a handful of boards, flash android, try to connect to the internet.  From what i understand is that Ethernet only works on android when hooked up to a 100mbps port, which i dont have.  

I get less than 1mbps when wired, but my mac maxes out wireless n 300mbps connected to the internet.  My internet speed is 450mbps.  Every other device on my network, no issues, the pine works with debian, not android. Heres me describing Trying to stream,a movie "stuck on 1% for 5 minutes, guy takes a step, buffer,.  ::Me getting fed up::"
In my case, I have 4 boards.
2 work fine in Android environment while the other two can't connect to the internet. They do get an IP but they refuse to connect to anything (Play Store, Browsers etc).

What makes me believe it is a hardware issue is the fact that I tested the boards under the same conditions, ie same cat7 cable, short 20awg micro usb lead, same micro sd with the same Android image burnt onto it, same PSU.

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