state of MMS on Manjaro
So I have searched around without much luck. I am looking to go daily driver with or without MMS but it seems the newest version of Manjaro has MMS support in chatty, I have filled out the MMS settings with T-Mobiles recommended settings but no luck. Is this not supposed to be working or am I doing something wrong?

I have noticed the ~/.mms/moddemanger/mms/ folder is holding files that seem to be my MMS mesages but i have no way to view them?

Excuse my ignorance I have been away for a while and have not followed development to closely but does the modem still get clogged if I do nothing with missed MMS?

Thanks in advanced.
So for anyone looking at this later. MMS is fully functional my apn settings in chatty had a capitol letter that did not match my apn settings on the settings up. Once this was adjusted the MMS' started pouring in!

Great news.
(12-03-2021, 05:03 PM)kmsgli Wrote: So for anyone looking at this later. MMS is fully functional my apn settings in chatty had a capitol letter that did not match my apn settings on the settings up. Once this was adjusted the MMS' started pouring in!

Great news.
Could you be a bit more specific about this capital letter typo thing, because I'd very much like to get it working too.
(02-14-2022, 02:30 AM)cabbie001 Wrote:
(12-03-2021, 05:03 PM)kmsgli Wrote: So for anyone looking at this later. MMS is fully functional my apn settings in chatty had a capitol letter that did not match my apn settings on the settings up. Once this was adjusted the MMS' started pouring in!

Great news.
Could you be a bit more specific about this capital letter typo thing, because I'd very much like to get it working too.

See my APN setting on the wiki here
(02-14-2022, 08:13 AM)mikehenson Wrote:
(02-14-2022, 02:30 AM)cabbie001 Wrote:
(12-03-2021, 05:03 PM)kmsgli Wrote: So for anyone looking at this later. MMS is fully functional my apn settings in chatty had a capitol letter that did not match my apn settings on the settings up. Once this was adjusted the MMS' started pouring in!

Great news.
Could you be a bit more specific about this capital letter typo thing, because I'd very much like to get it working too.

See my APN setting on the wiki here

Thanks for that. I plugged in the values for Telus and it seemed to work but only intermittently. Problem seems to exist in matching the Mobile Network settings "Access Point Names" with the APN setting, since you can't select Internet & Mobile Web simultaneously. So you need to select "Mobile Web" before sending an attachment? Also, the return message+attachment didn't arrive until after rebooting the phone. However, definitely a step closer to success. Smile
(02-15-2022, 02:53 AM)cabbie001 Wrote: Thanks for that. I plugged in the values for Telus and it seemed to work but only intermittently. Problem seems to exist in matching the Mobile Network settings "Access Point Names" with the APN setting, since you can't select Internet & Mobile Web simultaneously. So you need to select "Mobile Web" before sending an attachment? Also, the return message+attachment didn't arrive until after rebooting the phone. However, definitely a step closer to success. Smile

A screenshot may help here.

I simply add a pic to Chatty.  I've not tried group messaging yet.

And agree on intermittent, but I blame that on mobile data not any config.  I'm testing on USMobile and it has spotty mobile data coverage for me.  If I try sending MMS at home, sometimes it just never goes through.  If I drive to a nearby city where their mobile data coverage is everywhere, the MMS goes through quickly.  So mobile data may be compounding the problem.
PPv1.2a running PMOS ... almost a daily driver!
In manjaro-phosh mms through "chats" is now working for sending and receiving.  Recent updates must have done it for I changed nothing else.  I installed "mmsd-tng" through pacman but not in last few days.  I think that is necessary.

I have Consumer Cellular sim card.  I used mms settings for android from their website.

In Settings  ---> Mobile Networks ---> Mobile Data is on,  also in ----> Access Pont Names is set to att.mvno  from the CC website.
In chats  ---->  Preferences  --->  SMS and MMS settings --->  settings were to those from CC website.

My samsung just decided on it's own to start playing an audio and video ad as i was walking down the hall.  This is after I delected many apps through adb-platform-tools.  That phone is going to the trash soon to be replaced by the PPP

tom kosvic

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