Killed my Pine?
Hi all,

I've had my Pine booting with Debian (and once each with remix and android)

Last night I soldered on power and reset switches and I can't get it to boot at all, I just have the red power light.

Is there some way I can tell if I "let the magic smoke out" or if I'm just having issues writing my microSD card? (FYI, I burned a new card to boot after I did the soldering. so never tried with a known good card.)

Try this tool to test your card:

If it comes back with errors, you have a bad card. If it doesn't, let me know and we can try and see where the magic smoke is leaking out from Smile
If I've helped you with something, please leave a rating for my responses.
Your best bet is a USB to TTL cable to watch the boot process over console.
Check your soldering?
The 2 switches are so near to each other, you may have shorted some pins?
I posted a rough guide on USB to TTL in case you are unfamiliar with it. Hopefully we can get it stickied and maybe cut down on the Pine folks false DOA rate.
(05-04-2016, 09:53 AM)SkimMilk Wrote: Check your soldering?
The 2 switches are so near to each other, you may have shorted some pins?

Thanks for the suggestion, but no solder bridges, confirmed by me continuity tester.
(05-04-2016, 09:53 AM)SkimMilk Wrote: Check your soldering?
The 2 switches are so near to each other, you may have shorted some pins?

It you use a multi-meter to check for shorted pins, make sure it is not doing the conductivity check with 9 VDC (the voltage from the battery running the multi-meter) I think the cheep ones from harbor freight do the check with 3 VDC. I remember having to get one when working on a pic chip a few years ago and some pins had a 3.5 V max.

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