64bit Docker
This is really what I bought 2 x 2GB Pine64+ boards for :



I've decided that NOTHING provided by anyone at Pine is going to be of any use.  So gonna build my own use above guides.

I might put the Pine touchpanel on my BananaPI (unfortunately it doesn't have a touch interface connector on the board), shame because what I was hoping was to have a dedicated 64 bit ARM / RISC docker machine, and one that I could run Debian and some X server with touch-panel that I could easily switch to Console only mode...

Not having Bluetooth is a really PITA - but I'll live with that DISFUNCTIONAL aspect of the Pine "stock" WiFi/BT module - and wire in USB keyb/mouse combo - or just use UART and SSH.
(06-01-2016, 10:34 PM)UnixOutlaw Wrote: This is really what I bought 2 x 2GB Pine64+ boards for :



I've decided that NOTHING provided by anyone at Pine is going to be of any use.  So gonna build my own use above guides.

I might put the Pine touchpanel on my BananaPI (unfortunately it doesn't have a touch interface connector on the board), shame because what I was hoping was to have a dedicated 64 bit ARM / RISC docker machine, and one that I could run Debian and some X server with touch-panel that I could easily switch to Console only mode...

Not having Bluetooth is a really PITA - but I'll live with that DISFUNCTIONAL aspect of the Pine "stock" WiFi/BT module - and wire in USB keyb/mouse combo - or just use UART and SSH.

ubuntu@fjords:~$ uname -a
Linux fjords 3.10.101-1-pine64-longsleep #41 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 16 18:30:38 CEST 2016 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
ubuntu@fjords:~$ file $(which docker)
/usr/bin/docker: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=e8d64ae4829daa6a56d26d620ca80d7e6867be7a, not stripped
ubuntu@fjords:~$ docker version
Version:      1.10.3
API version:  1.22
Go version:   go1.6.1
Git commit:   20f81dd
Built:        Wed, 20 Apr 2016 14:19:16 -0700
OS/Arch:      linux/arm64

Version:      1.10.3
API version:  1.22
Go version:   go1.6.1
Git commit:   20f81dd
Built:        Wed, 20 Apr 2016 14:19:16 -0700
OS/Arch:      linux/arm64
ubuntu@fjords:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Release:    16.04
Codename:    xenial
care to explain how you installed docker ?
apt update
apt install docker.io

It's not the freshest version, but there seem to be build issues with 1.11.2 right now and it's not old enough that it causes problems.
OK. thank you Smile

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