Importing contacts
I had problems importing contacts. On my previous phone I exported my contacts to both my SIM card and SD card.

On the PinePhone, I used the contacts app to import contacts. It said that there were no contacts on the SIM card - and the google import just span around. I looked at the vcf file and imported a few by hand, but since I had hundreds of contacts I stopped.

Today, I managed to import all of my contacts :-)

I used a terminal, typed 'sudo su' with my screenlock password to get a root shell.

Then 'lsblk' to find the name of my devices and then 'mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mt' to get access to the sdcard.

I then used the file manager app to view /mnt, then double-click the .vcf file, and choose open with 'Contacts' which then imported all!

Hope this helps someone.
it has helped me Smile
(07-09-2020, 05:00 PM)bobblestiltskin Wrote: I had problems importing contacts. On my previous phone I exported my contacts to both my SIM card and SD card.

On the PinePhone, I used the contacts app to import contacts. It said that there were no contacts on the SIM card - and the google import just span around. I looked at the vcf file and imported a few by hand, but since I had hundreds of contacts I stopped.

Today, I managed to import all of my contacts :-)

I used a terminal, typed 'sudo su' with my screenlock password to get a root shell.

Then 'lsblk' to find the name of my devices and then 'mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mt' to get access to the sdcard.

I then used the file manager app to view /mnt, then double-click the .vcf file, and choose open with 'Contacts' which then imported all!

Hope this helps someone.
Nice! Thanks for sharing. I have the same issue as you with my SIM card not showing any contacts.
This will surely help.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk
It should be noted that .vcf files (Apple) can be opened with the contacts app and work well while .csv (Google, Outlook) are not connected to contacts and can't be imported right now. The import buttons in the contact app don't work for me at all - nothing ever happens.
nice! rate up!
Some help about importing contacts via .vcf file ?
I try this but not working for me.. Os is installed on SD card. For me main problem is that in this case i can`t put .vcf file in the any memory.. Just no way.. No bluetooth, no usb i not use g@@gle. Nothing. My linux abilities are not good also.
By the way did this work in the same way in other Os-es. To say Mobian?
I initially thought that I was having trouble using the import vcf function in Contacts, and I inadvertently interrupted it ... turns out it just takes a really really long time.
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