10-28-2019, 03:51 PM
If you have an LPC-Link2 lying around, you can use it to debug/develop on the PineTime dev kit.
First, you need to flash a CMSIS-DAP firmware on the LPC-Link2. NXP has these.
If you're using the wires provided with the PineTime, then you will need to populate the J6 location on the LPC-Link2; it's the only one which expects a pin header. I fitted a 9-pin right-angle header.
Then you have to properly match the PineTime SWD pinout to the J6 header pins. Gnd goes to pin 8, Vcc to pin 1, SWDIO to pin 2 and SWDCLK to pin 3.
Last, you have to put jumpers on both JP1 and JP2 of the LPC-Link2. JP1 will make it boot on its internal firmware and thus act as a CMSIS-DAP probe; JP2 will power the SWD signal buffers. If you forget JP2, OpenOCD will recodgnize the probe but not the PineTime.
Then you need a configuration file for OpenOCD. This file should contain the following:
Name this file appropriately -- I named mine pinetime-lpc-link2-cmsis-dap.cfg.
Now run OpenOCD. In Linux, I run
At this point, if your PineTime still contains the factory firmware, it will be access-protected, i.e. you cannot read from it or write to it yet. You'll know it's the case if OpenOCD says "Error: Could not find MEM-AP to control the core".
If your PineTime is access-protected, you'll have to unprotect it before you can program it. This will remove the factory firmware, but it will have to go at some point, right? So open a second terminal, connect to OpenOCD using for instance
Now issue the following command:
If the value displayed is 0x00000000 then your PineTime is indeed access-protected, and you can unprotect it by issuing
to which OpenOCD should eventually display
... and that is the sign that your PineTime is unprotected and now ready to be reprogrammed!
First, you need to flash a CMSIS-DAP firmware on the LPC-Link2. NXP has these.
If you're using the wires provided with the PineTime, then you will need to populate the J6 location on the LPC-Link2; it's the only one which expects a pin header. I fitted a 9-pin right-angle header.
Then you have to properly match the PineTime SWD pinout to the J6 header pins. Gnd goes to pin 8, Vcc to pin 1, SWDIO to pin 2 and SWDCLK to pin 3.
Last, you have to put jumpers on both JP1 and JP2 of the LPC-Link2. JP1 will make it boot on its internal firmware and thus act as a CMSIS-DAP probe; JP2 will power the SWD signal buffers. If you forget JP2, OpenOCD will recodgnize the probe but not the PineTime.
Then you need a configuration file for OpenOCD. This file should contain the following:
source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]
source [find target/nrf52.cfg]
telnet_port 4444
Name this file appropriately -- I named mine pinetime-lpc-link2-cmsis-dap.cfg.
Now run OpenOCD. In Linux, I run
openocd -f pinetime-lpc-link2-cmsis-dap.cfg -c init
At this point, if your PineTime still contains the factory firmware, it will be access-protected, i.e. you cannot read from it or write to it yet. You'll know it's the case if OpenOCD says "Error: Could not find MEM-AP to control the core".
If your PineTime is access-protected, you'll have to unprotect it before you can program it. This will remove the factory firmware, but it will have to go at some point, right? So open a second terminal, connect to OpenOCD using for instance
telnet localhost 4444
Now issue the following command:
dap apreg 1 0x0c
If the value displayed is 0x00000000 then your PineTime is indeed access-protected, and you can unprotect it by issuing
dap apreg 1 0x04 0x01
to which OpenOCD should eventually display
nrf52.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
... and that is the sign that your PineTime is unprotected and now ready to be reprogrammed!