Touchpanel information about heat and connection length
    Any idea if the Pine as well as the screen are suitable for automotive temperatures? I wanted to make mine a "carputer" and mount a touch panel in my truck permanently. I know some electronics will become ruined in the Florida heat because of this though, (it is not recommended to leave normal tablets in your vehicle all the time, etc). Also, is the touch panel connection extendable so I can mount the pine under the dash, and have the screen be where the radio would normally be?

more than concern abut the TP u should think about the LCD it self cuz becomes white when the temp is really high
the operation temp of the LCD is -20C to 70C
that says on the Datasheet
and expendable only if u can get a longer cable on the part store (not the pine64 store)
By. Zoidiano0!
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Pine64 Head Unit Project.!
(02-10-2016, 05:32 PM)Zoidiano0 Wrote: more than concern abut the TP u should think about the LCD it self cuz becomes white when the temp is really high
the operation temp of the LCD is -20C to 70C
that says on the Datasheet
and expendable only if u can get a longer cable on the part store (not the pine64 store)

Well, I was referring to the whole thing, meaning LCD and all. 70C is a fairly high. Just for comparison, I looked up the maximum operational range of an actual car touch screen radio and they say the temperature range should be kept between 14F and 140F, (-14C and 60C). If this can be used up to 70C, then I think it might be ok to use.

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