06-08-2023, 08:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2023, 03:52 PM by janqbtzki.)
I will be using PineTab2 mainly as tablet, so the keyboard is of little use and only gets in the way. And because this is my first tablet, so I'm not familiar with the sizes of the tablets with similar size, but is there a case without keyboard that fits the PineTab2? And if not will Pine64 offer one in the near future?
You’ll need to take it to the shop and try cases; it’s too new or take a chance & order one based upon the measurements.
PinePhone, Pinebook Pro & PineTab2 owner.
06-23-2023, 06:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2023, 06:49 AM by KC9UDX.)
I have one of those that I bought at Radio Shack(yes they do still exist and do sell them). I don't have a Pinetab, but it fits just about everything.
(It was pink but I spray-painted it black..)
I haven't been to a radio shack in more than a decade, nice to know they still exist; spent lots of cash there. Thanks KC
PinePhone, Pinebook Pro & PineTab2 owner.
02-16-2025, 06:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2025, 06:39 AM by biketool.)
I have a new Pinetab2(rockchip) and I am finding it to be one of the best out of box experiences I have hand in years. This is a great field replacement for most of my laptop needs being full linux and a big screen.
What I wanted to know is if anyone has an idea of a near fit heavy duty case for the pinetab2.
With my pinephone someone mentioned a Samsung phone which fit well enough, I closed up the camera hole with DIY resin (black 3d printer ABS plastic, dissolved in acetone to make a pour-able goo). let it harden, and drilled out a new camera and speaker hole in the back. SInce I plan to mod I am no worried about camera holes too much since I will cut those and other ports and holes out.
I hope there is a similar button layout tablet out there, at least similar size, as I am happy to do some pretty intense modding but it is better if the button holes are lined up or are easy to trim away without weakening the armor too much. The pinetab is not light and I am strong enough so I am pretty much looking at something pretty thick with a combination of polyurethane rubber and ABS or other hard shell rather than a lightweight portfolio type case.
For reference the Pinetab2 is 240x160mm and 9mm thick or 6.3" x 9.45" in inches.
I am sure there is a tablt of this size(I am not finding it exactly thought) though I found a cheap soft cover with bumper corners that is about 10mm too long.
I dont mind that the cutouts are in the wrong place, for my PinePhone pro I was happy to use an Otterbox and fill and drill/cut the camera, audio, and button holes to correct filling with ABS/acetone resin.
But I would really like to have an Otterbox style Military type tough cover to both keep my keyboard safe in the field when not needed and protect the tablet from drops to steel and stone floors.
For example the Huawei MatePad Pro 10.8 is 169x246x7,2mm so Pinetab2 needs padding in the X-9mm and Y-6mm dimensions.