Is there trick to creating the Linux image for the Quartz64? I have no trouble burning and booting the Android 16MB emmc image but I have tried burning Armbian, Arch images and LibreElec to emmc and SD and I don't get the the kernel logo (or any HDMI) from them. I've tried burning with Windows and Ubuntu.
The SD image contend look find when they are mounted in Android.
I have not tested the eMMC variant with Android (it may be necessary to disconnect the module from the motherboard). If you have previously recorded an old system to the SD card, perform a complete cleaning of the SD card before recording the new system. This is a known issue with the old GPT schema (from old images).
Please attach an UART adapter to get console output in order to debug this further.
When I say I can boot any Linux or LE via SD card that would be with no emmc card in.
I also see nothing on the console on UART0 via pin 12/14 in minicomm at various baudrate. This /dev/ttyUSB0 device works fine with other devices Should I be using UART2?
I do have BAT1 open and I have read that might need to be closed.
Thanks the issue was the missing jumper on BAT1. Adding it all images boot and I also get a console on UART2 which was also not available.
I contacted my vendor Ameridroid to let them know this jumper should be provided with the order.