RPi clone mods plan.
Hi all. I am trying to find a Rasberry clone to drastically 
modify but remain backwards compatable with the RPi.
My planned redesigns are cutting edge .
My final goal is a slim and cool looking VR / AR harness
that is light and comfy to wear day2day, but still robust and water 
resilient, so I'm looking at RK35xx based SBCs that claim
  an open hardware layout and wiring /connectivity architecture.

Radxa seams to slowly start up their community,
but Pine64 is ready and up and running.

Is there a chance that the Quartz64 physical wiring
 layout layers  will be published? or that someone 
at Pine64 can authorize me to receive such files?
Sincere regards:

Daniel +972
You mean like the layout files for the boards? Or just the pinouts for the connectors? There are some Quartz64 related documentation items like the schematics and datasheets on the wiki already...
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
I probably saved those. but for my mod plan, I need the specific wiring inside the PCB. For instance the Radxa Rock Pi 4 (or is it 5?) uses 8 layers of wiring to connect all its components I/O ports. In order for me to be able to successfully move some components to a less interfering location for my modding Ideas
I will need the physical wiring layouts at least for the GPIO side and the USB sand RJ45 connector side. but say a component has to be moved to the other side,
Then I'm gonna need the full Layered layout.

Thanks for replying so diligently btw.
Daniel +972

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