Why the price increase over Pinebook Pro?
I appreciate your question, since value is important and the Pinebook Pro does seem like it has a better price point. It is also seems like it is more certain to function in the way that a consumer would desire.

I am not an expert, I am just waiting on getting my first Pinephone. I can give a bit of information based on my own research into this product.

The screen on the phone is touch sensitive and the system supports that screen as an input. On most computers this option adds quite a bit to the price. The durable glass on top of that screen is proprietary and expensive, so it too adds to the cost.

Retail before shipping, for the modem chip that allows it to be a phone is $79. Getting this all down to a small form factor is also expensive.

While it is possible to put together a phone in some market places in China, phone parts are crazy proprietary in most cases.

Consider every extra penny you spend here a donation to a cause. I bought mine with the hopes that it will be able to function as my phone for years to come. If that does not pan out, I will still feel like the money I spent was part of something important.

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RE: Why the price increase over Pinebook Pro? - by Otter - 01-22-2022, 07:54 PM

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