Wishlist for "most missing" native app (libhandy)
Hi folks,

I plan to initiate one or more projects where small but useful native apps could be built by students in their 4th semester as part of an internship. My idea is to go for libhandy. Hence, I am looking for ideas/suggestions for native apps that match the following criteria:

- no useful mobile native app that does the same exists or is already developed with substantial progress
- open source reference implementations are available (e.g. as a normal desktop app or an android app in F-Droid)
- the app is small and not very complex (good example: offline dictionary; bad example: turn-by-turn navigation)
- the app is useful for a large userbase (not a niche app only 10 or 20 people are interested in)

I already have some ideas myself, but I warmly would welcome *your* ideas/suggestions as well! The goal is to find good candidates for "most missing app".
(01-22-2022, 08:16 AM)e1337 Wrote: IMHO decent password manager for the keepass database format. GNOME's "Password Safe" has some major crypto issues (takes multiple minutes to open a database) and lacks essential menu options like disable timed lock, and the original Mono-based KeePass 2 as well as the newer Qt-based KeePassXC just can't really be considered usable on the PinePhone due to desktop-only UI.

Thank you! So this would basically be a mobile UI for e.g. KeePassXC that uses the existing libraries then? Would be quite a good candidate imho.
Probably not what you are looking for, but I wish for a Kodi remote like Kore to work on the pinephone.  https://github.com/xbmc/Kore
Please forgive me as I am new to linux and Pinephone.  

The most problems I have are related to apps not fitting on the mobile screen.  To me the best app that could be developed would fix this screen size issue across all apps.  Just that alone would make Pinephone a true daily driver contender.  If this fix already exists please share it.

Thanks for whatever dev you provide!
@careloads Yes, this would be definitely a great app but I fear it's veeeery unrealistic to accomplish it. Actually, mobile user interfaces have different requirements than their desktop pendants, and often provide less functionality to increase usability on small screens.

Hence, I would be interested in apps that are not optimized for mobile but are utterly needed. Imho, Linux on mobile works quite well already (especially on the Pinephone) but there might be some critical apps missing which prevent people from actually making the switch to make one of the supported devices their daily driver.
Matrix and Telegram already work, but Signal does not. So a client for Signal (similar to "Signal for Desktop") would be really nice.
Sadly lot of apps I can think of is proprietary. However I would like to see these things on my Pinephone:

- contacts import/export utility. Right now I am using Evolution which is working, but not an experience I would like to have
- An app which can make web apps inside app drawer. UbPorts has Webber for this (however I have no idea how hard it would be to implement into pmOS and others): https://github.com/timsueberkrueb/webber/
- Data usage to measure how many data I depleted using my SIM card, I do not know any equivalent app as this is typically built-in feature
- YouTube player. On F-Droid there is an awesome app caled NewPipe. It would be great to have it.

To be clear: I have absolutely no idea how difficult these apps are to make (I got lost at "Hello world" Big Grin ) so I just tried to make my guess based on functions what could be easy to do for programmers. I assume some functions will be implemented in OSes or DEs one day but for now it would help to have them at least as apps. And everything is based on my experience with Mobian and pmOS, both on Phosh.
If interested, You can track the work in GNOME upstream here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/Initiatives/-/issues/5

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