X11 Forwarding
Hello guys i am working on a little project: https://www.reddit.com/r/pinephone/comme...&context=3

Now i want to connect from my pinephone via X11 Forwarding to my vm(ubuntu) on a hypver-v.

pinephone has Manjaro posh on it.
Which is using wayland.

I always get following errors on the pinephone:
- the xauth error
- And that it can not find any display

Nearly same as here: https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=11755

Does anyone know what i can do? I don't realy get the other thread and i think they are trying do connect to the pinephone not from the pinephone Big Grin

The X11 Forwarding over putty and stuff on other clients works great Big Grin


As in the other thread said this site is very good: https://www.dbts-analytics.com/notesxfwdgb.html

On the Pinephone:

1. Xephyr -br -ac -noreset -screen 1150x850 :8
To connect use:
2. DISPLAY=:8 ssh -X trinidad@ -p 54321 gnome-boxes 2>/dev/null

But it still does not work Sad

Still both errors Sad
So you know, you can't do X11 forwarding with Wayland. Look into waypipe:

It is even on Windows (Window Manager?) possible to open a x11 sessions over putty and xming(which acts as a x11 server). That has to be possible on wayland as well.

waypipe seems to be the way to go thanks Smile will take a look at that Smile

Edit: as i normaly work with x2goclient to get easy acces to sessions etc. i found a way for x2go to work Smile


Quote:Follow the instructions in Desktop entries#Modify environment variables and change the lines starting with


Exec=env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb x2goclient

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