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Hello all!

I currently use JACK/Ardour for recording via a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB A to D box on my desktop/laptop. There is no ARM version of Ardour, but I would LOVE a fanless portable linux box to record multiple tracks.

Are there any recommendations out there for me to use to put my PINE 64 and Focusrite to work as a portable audio recorder/editor?

Thanks in advance!
hello there

the Debian Jessie image I am releasing tomorrow has the means to install it

amb-plugins - ambisonics LADPSA plugins
ardour - digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface)
ardour-dbg - digital audio workstation (debug)
ardour3 - digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface)
calf-plugins - Calf Studiogear - audio effects and sound generators
fil-plugins - parametric equalizer LADSPA plugin
gjacktransport - access to the JACK's transport mechanism as touchable slider
harvid - HTTP Ardour Video Server
so-synth-lv2 - Set of synthesizers for the LV2 plugin format
swh-lv2 - Steve Harris's SWH plugins ported to LV2
tap-plugins - Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins
tap-plugins-doc - TAP-plugins documentation
xjadeo - Video player with JACK sync

Thanks for heads up. Will I have to Sudo apt-get install each of the packages you listed?

I have the 5/8 MATE image running now. So very glad you (well, Longsleep and you) have this running at 720P, it widens my possible monitor usage!

sudo apt-get install ardour should install all required packages including Jack last I checked