Full Version: Can't boot on SD anymore
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I wanted to dust off my PinePhone (developer edition, I think)(not the Pro, for sure), but I think I "locked" it.

What I did :
- I flashed "Jump Drive" on SD card, 
- booted on SD card, 
- plugged it to my PC
- runned `dd if=<postmarketos-image.iso> of="sdc`.

Now, I have PostmarketOS loading screen, but it never loads.
I think PostmaketOS does not load because I never installed TwoBoot. (did not know, too bad)
Right ?

I can't boot on SD card anymore.
Is it because of my ` dd` ? The boot order was replaced ?
Am I missing something ?

How can I recover my phone ?

Thx for ideas,
I don't know what I was doing wrong, but today, I'm able to boot on SD.
So, my issue is solved.

Thanks all ^^