Full Version: "Pine64 USB JTAG Adapter + OpenOCD + PineTime" should it work?
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as a beginner, a looked at "PineTime Devkit Wiring" tutorial, 
and decided to order the Pine64 USB JTAG Adapter (schematic) alongside with PineTime dev kit to play with it...

but then i realized, that it's not a ST-Link clone...
also, i had to play additionally with drivers using "Zadig" app on Windows.

i'm trying to make it work with OpenOCD, and so far no luck with
.\openocd.exe -f interface/ftdi/ft232h-module-swd.cfg -f target/nrf52.cfg

Quote:Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0 (2021-03-07-12:52)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : FTDI SWD mode enabled
Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
Error: Error connecting DP: cannot read IDR

long story short, has anyone tried this?
is it supposed to work at all?
the same on Linux (ubuntu kind. on real hardware).
no luck...

any suggestions?
I'm guessing nobody here has tried it. I've only used the Raspberry Pi option since I already had one. Have you compared the schematic to that of the adafruit board the openocd config you're using was written for? What connections did you use?
(03-01-2022, 12:34 PM)wibble Wrote: [ -> ]I'm guessing nobody here has tried it. I've only used the Raspberry Pi option since I already had one. Have you compared the schematic to that of the adafruit board the openocd config you're using was written for? What connections did you use?

i tried to connect like this using Pogo Pins connections (also tried wires included in PineTime box)

Pine64 USB       -> PineTime
(8) TDI/SWDIO    -> (1) SWDIO
(4) TCK/SWDCLK   -> (2) SWDCLK
not connected    -> (3) -
(9)  Ground      -> (4) GND

since Pine64 USB can outputs only 5v i ended up with not connecting the power, taking into account that PineTime is powered by battery. but i also tried with connecting power from pin#1, it leads to PineTime reboot, but nothing more - the OpenOCD outputs the same error.

unfortunately, i'm a newbie with OpenOCD, and not sure how to change configs according to the board or adapter schematic.
in the ft232h-module-swd.cfg there is a comment "ADAFRUIT FTDI FT232H as a SWD direct connect interface. Any FT232H based board may work.", so i was hoping it should just work. but it's not.
I'm going on a little reading and informed guesswork, so treat what I'm about to say accordingly.

I would investigate the 5V issue first - if the adapter sends 5V to a device that can't tolerate it you will cause permanent damage. That's how people end up with dead GPIO pins on their Pi, or even a dead Pi. The adapter schematic doesn't show a 3.3V regulator, and I don't know if the FT232H has an internal one and a level config option. If it doesn't then you'll need to look for a bidirectional level converter to move the signals between 5V and 3.3V.

Based on the above it looks like you need both TDI and TDO (via a resistor) connected to SWDIO. The first one has some detail on what each bit of the config actually means too.