Full Version: Help! - Screen blank after update.
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I have had UB Ports running on my Pinephone for a year, not as my daily driver, but as a backup phone, also trying out various new apps available.

I kept it on the kernel update channel and everything seemed fine. However, following one of my last updates, the screen goes blank after bootup. Apparently, the phone is running Ubuntu, but the screen does not show anything. How can I fix this?

I would hate having to kill my long-standing installation.

Many thanks for your thoughts on this problem.
Several months ago when the kernel channel came out there was a bug that sometimes prevented the phone to fully boot. It was easily recognized because the led was constantly glowing red. If that's your issue you basically have to reboot your phone until it eventually continues the boot process.
(07-26-2021, 05:00 AM)Nooblife Wrote: [ -> ]Several months ago when the kernel channel came out there was a bug that sometimes prevented the phone to fully boot. It was easily recognized because the led was constantly glowing red. If that's your issue you basically have to reboot your phone until it eventually continues the boot process.

No, it seems to boot fully.  When I kill the phone (10 sec power button), it briefly shows my screen as it should be. But that's too late to do anything, just before it switches off.
Sorry i can't be any help. The easiest solution is probably to reinstall, or you can ask on the official ubports forums.
Thanks for replying anyway.