Pinebook pro will not run a long stress test of OpenCL - Printable Version

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Pinebook pro will not run a long stress test of OpenCL - gal_shalif - 02-05-2020

  • A stress test of SGEMM (matrix multiplication) using OpenCL will slow down after 150 iterationbs.
    • Details:
      • Test is running fine during the first 100 iterations (multiply two matrix of 512 x 512). It will slow down to 1/2 speed after about 150 iterations, and will slow down farther to about 1/4 speed after 200 iterations, etc.
      • Note: test is running fine if sleeping for 20 seconds after every 100 iterations
  • Do the Pinebook pro GPU has a hardware problem (ex: over heating) that prevent running a long OpenCL stress test?
  1. Pinebook pro setup highlights:

    1. Ubuntu 18.04 64bit (based on the root file system from:
    2. Compiler: gcc 8.3
    3. OpenCL 1.2 (wget --timestamp
    4. ARM Compute Library 19.11.1 (native compile of sources from
  2. [size=undefined]OpenCL is verified with:[/size]
  3. [size=undefined]Stress test:[/size]
    • SGEMM (matrix multiplication) using OpenCL of the ARM Compute Library 19.11.1 - the test code is appended below
// Example code is based on:
// *
// #ifndef ARM_COMPUTE_CL /* Needed by Utils.cpp to handle OpenCL exceptions properly */
// #error "This example needs to be built with -DARM_COMPUTE_CL"
// #endif /* ARM_COMPUTE_CL */

#include <arm_compute/core/Types.h>
#include <arm_compute/core/Helpers.h>
#include <arm_compute/core/ITensor.h>
#include "arm_compute/core/CL/CLKernelLibrary.h"

#include <arm_compute/runtime/Tensor.h>
#include "arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLFunctions.h"
#include "arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLScheduler.h"

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

#include <cctype>
#include <cerrno>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sys/time.h>

using namespace arm_compute;

// (MM, MN, MK) can be override from compiler options
#ifndef MM
#define MM 512
#ifndef MN
#define MN 512
#ifndef MK
#define MK 512

int main(void)
 long num_repetitions=1;
 struct timeval before, after;

 unsigned int m=MM;
 unsigned int n=MN;
 unsigned int k=MK;

 if (getenv("NUM_REPETITIONS")!=NULL) num_repetitions=atol(getenv("NUM_REPETITIONS"));
 if (getenv("MM")!=NULL) m=atol(getenv("MM"));
 if (getenv("MN")!=NULL) n=atol(getenv("MN"));
 if (getenv("MK")!=NULL) k=atol(getenv("MK"));
 printf("NUM_REPETITIONS = %lu\n", num_repetitions);
 printf("m = %u\n", m);
 printf("n = %u\n", n);
 printf("k = %u\n", k);

 TensorShape AShape(k,m);
 TensorShape BShape(n,k);
 TensorShape OShape(n,m);

 CLTensor ATensor;
 CLTensor BTensor;
 CLTensor OTensor;


 CLGEMM gemm;

 gemm.configure(&ATensor, &BTensor, NULL, &OTensor, 2.0f, 2.0f);


 gettimeofday(&before, NULL);
 for(int r = 0; r < num_repetitions; ++r) {;
 gettimeofday(&after, NULL);
 double total_time = (after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec) + 1e-6*(after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec);
 double flops = 2.0*m*n*k;
 double gflops = 1e-9 * flops;
 double avg_time = total_time / num_repetitions;
 double avg_gflops_per_sec = gflops / avg_time;

 printf("M = %u\nN = %u\nK = %u\n", m, n, k);
 printf("TIME_TOTAL = %lf\n", total_time);
 printf("TIME_AVG = %lf\n", avg_time);
 printf("GFLOPS_AVG = %lf\n", avg_gflops_per_sec);

 printf("------------- CLBLAST-STYLE_OUTPUT\n");
 printf("m = %u\nn = %u\nk = %u\n", m, n, k);
 printf("ms_1 = %lf\n", avg_time*1000);
 printf("GFLOPS_1 = %lf\n", avg_gflops_per_sec);

 return 0;

RE: Pinebook pro will not run a long stress test of OpenCL - Der Geist der Maschine - 02-06-2020

(02-05-2020, 01:48 PM)gal_shalif Wrote: Do the Pinebook pro GPU has a hardware problem (ex: over heating) that prevent running a long OpenCL stress test?

Nobody was stressing the gpu as much as you, yet.

Perhaps start with the usual suspects:

Display journal logs in real-time

$ journalctl -f

The kernel includes a thermal driver, maybe it's print something to dmesg?

$ dmesg

Then you can look at the cpu and gpu temperatures. If you don't find a gui, you can look at the sysfs attributes. They might vary depending on the kernel. Here from a modern 5.5 kernel

debian:/sys/class/thermal$ cat thermal_zone0/hwmon?/name 
debian:/sys/class/thermal$ cat thermal_zone1/hwmon?/name 

cat these values in a loop for real-time updates

debian:/sys/class/thermal$ cat thermal_zone0/hwmon?/temp1_input 
debian:/sys/class/thermal$ cat thermal_zone1/hwmon?/temp1_input 

Let us know your findings.